Package Biskit :: Module Test :: Class Biskit_Pvm
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Class Biskit_Pvm

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Tests for modules in ~biskit/Biskit that depend on PVM. To run these tests the PVM deamon must be running.

Modules that that call external applications has been excluded and can be found in Biskit_Applications. The remaining Biskit test are found in Biskit.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from unittest.TestCase: failureException

Instance Methods [hide private]
Testing Biskit.TrajFlexMaster No testing done, will just display a matrix plot
Testing Biskit.StructureMaster No testing done.
Testing Biskit.QualMaster No testing done.

Inherited from unittest.TestCase: __call__, __init__, __repr__, __str__, assertAlmostEqual, assertAlmostEquals, assertEqual, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertNotAlmostEqual, assertNotAlmostEquals, assertNotEqual, assertNotEquals, assertRaises, assertTrue, assert_, countTestCases, debug, defaultTestResult, fail, failIf, failIfAlmostEqual, failIfEqual, failUnless, failUnlessAlmostEqual, failUnlessEqual, failUnlessRaises, id, run, setUp, shortDescription, tearDown

Method Details [hide private]


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Testing Biskit.TrajFlexMaster No testing done, will just display a matrix plot


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Testing Biskit.StructureMaster No testing done. Just let run trough


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Testing Biskit.QualMaster No testing done. Just let run trough