Package Biskit :: Module test
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Source Code for Module Biskit.test

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  ## Biskit, a toolkit for the manipulation of macromolecular structures 
  3  ## Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Raik Gruenberg & Johan Leckner 
  4  ## 
  5  ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  6  ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
  7  ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
  8  ## License, or any later version. 
  9  ## 
 10  ## This program is distributec!d in the hope that it will be useful, 
 11  ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  ## General Public License for more details. 
 14  ## 
 15  ## You find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file 
 16  ## license.txt along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
 17  ## Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
 19  ## last $Author: graik $ 
 20  ## last $Date: 2007/04/23 17:28:51 $ 
 21  ## $Revision: 2.9 $ 
 22  ''' 
 23  Automatic Biskit module testing 
 24  =============================== 
 26  Module tests are extremely important to keep the Biskit package 
 27  manageable and functional. Every Biskit module should contain a class 
 28  derrived from L{BiskitTest} (conventionally called C{Test}) that 
 29  comprises one or more test functions.  L{BiskitTestLoader} then 
 30  automatically extracts all BiskitTest child classes from the whole 
 31  package and bundles them into a L{FilteredTestSuite}. 
 33  Test cases that are L{LONG}, depend on L{PVM} or external programs 
 34  (L{EXE}) or are obsolete (L{OLD}) should be marked with the 
 35  appropriate tag(s) by overriding L{BiskitTest.TAGS} on the class 
 36  level. Test cases can then be filtered out or included into the 
 37  L{FilteredTestSuite} according to their TAGS. 
 39  Originally, testing code was simply in the __main__ section of each 
 40  module where we could execute it directly from emacs (or with python 
 41  -i) for interactive debugging. By comparison, unittest test fixtures 
 42  are less easy to execute stand-alone and intermediate variables remain 
 43  hidden within the test instance. The L{localTest}() removes this 
 44  hurdle and runs the test code of a single module as if it would be 
 45  executed directly in __main__. Simply putting the localTest() function 
 46  without parameters into the __main__ section of your module is 
 47  enough. Test.test_* methods should assign intermediate and final 
 48  results to self.|something| variables -- L{localTest} will then push 
 49  all self.* fields into the global namespace for interactive debugging. 
 51  Usage 
 52  ===== 
 54    By way of example, a Test case for MyModule would look like this:: 
 56      class MyClass: 
 57          ... 
 59      ### Module testing ### 
 60      import Biskit.test as BT 
 62      class Test(BT.BiskitTest): 
 63          """Test MyModule""" 
 65          TAGS = [ BT.LONG ] 
 67          def test_veryLongComputation( self ): 
 68              """MyModule.veryLongComputation test""" 
 70              self.m = MyClass() 
 71              self.result = self.m.veryLongComputation() 
 73              if self.local:   ## only if the module is executed directly 
 74                  print self.result  
 76              self.assertEqual( self.result, 42, 'unexpected result' ) 
 79      if __name__ == '__main__': 
 81          ## run Test and push self.* fields into global namespace 
 82          BT.localTest( ) 
 84          print result  ## works thanks to some namespace magic in localTest 
 87  Note: 
 88          - If TAG is not given, the test will have the default NORMAL tag. 
 89          - Names of test functions **must** start with C{test}. 
 90          - The doc string of test_* will be reported as id of this test. 
 91  ''' 
 93  import unittest as U 
 94  import glob 
 95  import os.path 
 97  import Biskit 
 98  from LogFile import StdLog, LogFile 
 99  import tools as T 
101  ## categories 
102  NORMAL = 0  ## standard test case 
103  LONG   = 1  ## long running test case 
104  PVM    = 2  ## depends on PVM 
105  EXE    = 3  ## depends on external application 
106  OLD    = 5  ## is obsolete 
108 -class BiskitTestError( Exception ):
109 pass
111 -class BiskitTest( U.TestCase):
112 """ 113 Base class for Biskit test cases. 114 115 BiskitTest adds some functionality over the standard 116 C{unittest.TestCase}: 117 118 - self.local reflects whether the Test is performed in the 119 __main__ scope of the module it belongs to -- or as part of 120 the whole test suite. 121 122 - Each test case can be classified by assigning flags to its 123 static TAGS field -- this will be used by the test runner to 124 filter out, e.g. very long tests or tests that require PVM. 125 126 - self.log should capture all the output, by default it goes to 127 the TESTLOG instance defined at the module level. 128 129 Usage: 130 ====== 131 132 Biskit test cases should be created by sub-classing BiskitTest 133 and by adding one or more test_* methods (each method starting 134 with 'test_' is treated as a separate test). The doc string of a 135 test_* method becomes the id reported by the TextTestRunner. 136 137 L{prepare} should be overriden for the definition of permanent 138 input and temporary output files. L{cleanUp} should be overriden 139 for clean up actions and to remove temporary files (use 140 L{}). L{cleanUp} is not called if 141 BiskitTest is set into debugging mode (see L{BiskitTest.DEBUG}). 142 143 The L{TAGS} field should be overriden to reflect any special categories 144 of the test case (L{LONG}, L{PVM}, L{EXE} or L{OLD}). 145 """ 146 #: categories for which this test case qualifies (class-wide) 147 TAGS = [ NORMAL ] 148 149 #: debug mode -- don't delete temporary data 150 DEBUG = False 151 152 #: System-wide test log 153 TESTLOG = StdLog() 154 155 #: System-wide verbosity level 156 VERBOSITY= 2 157
158 - def prepare(self):
159 """Hook for test setup.""" 160 pass
162 - def cleanUp( self ):
163 """Hook for post-test clean up; skipped if DEBUG==True.""" 164 pass
166 - def setUp( self ):
167 self.local = self.__module__ == '__main__' 168 self.log = getattr( self, 'log', BiskitTest.TESTLOG ) 169 ## self.verbosity = getattr( self, 'verbosity', BiskitTest.VERBOSITY ) 170 ## self.debugging = getattr( self, 'debugging', BiskitTest.DEBUG ) 171 self.prepare()
173 - def tearDown( self ):
174 if not self.DEBUG: 175 self.cleanUp()
176 177
178 -class FilteredTestSuite( U.TestSuite ):
179 """ 180 Collection of BiskitTests filtered by category tags. 181 FilteredTestSuite silently ignores Test cases that are either 182 183 * classified into any of the forbidden categories 184 185 * not classified into any of the allowed categories 186 187 By default (if initialized without parameters), all groups are allowed 188 and no groups are forbidden. 189 """ 190
191 - def __init__( self, tests=(), allowed=[], forbidden=[] ):
192 """ 193 @param tests: iterable of TestCases 194 @type tests: ( BiskitTest, ) 195 @param allowed: list of allowed tags 196 @type allowed: [ int ] 197 @param forbidden : list of forbidden tags 198 @type forbidden : [ int ] 199 """ 200 self._allowed = allowed 201 self._forbidden = forbidden 202 U.TestSuite.__init__( self, tests=tests )
203 204
205 - def addTest( self, test ):
206 """ 207 Add Biskit test case if it is matching the allowed and disallowed 208 groups. 209 @param test: test case 210 @type test: BiskitTest 211 """ 212 assert isinstance( test, Biskit.test.BiskitTest ), \ 213 'FilteredTestSuite only accepts BiskitTest instances not %r' \ 214 % test 215 216 matches = [ g for g in test.TAGS if g in self._forbidden ] 217 if len( matches ) > 0: 218 return 219 220 matches = [ g for g in test.TAGS if g in self._allowed ] 221 222 if not self._allowed or (self._allowed and len(matches) > 0): 223 U.TestSuite.addTest( self, test )
224 225
226 -class Flushing_TextTestResult( U._TextTestResult ):
227 """ 228 Helper class for (Flushing)TextTestRunner. 229 Customize _TextTestResult so that the reported test id is flushed 230 B{before} the test starts. Otherwise the ' ...' is only 231 printed together with the '...ok' after the test is finished. 232 """ 233
234 - def startTest(self, test):
235 """print id at start of test... and flush it""" 236 super( self.__class__, self ).startTest( test ) 237
239 -class FlushingTextTestRunner( U.TextTestRunner ):
240 """ 241 Convince TextTestRunner to use the flushing text output rather 242 than the default one. 243 """ 244
245 - def _makeResult(self):
246 return Flushing_TextTestResult(, self.descriptions, 247 self.verbosity)
248 249
250 -class BiskitTestLoader( object ):
251 """ 252 A replacement for the unittest TestLoaders. It automatically 253 collects all BiskitTests from a whole package (that means a 254 folder with python files). 255 """ 256
257 - def __init__( self, log=StdLog(), 258 allowed=[], forbidden=[], verbosity=2, debug=False ):
259 """ 260 @param log: log output target [default: L{Biskit.StdLog}] 261 @type log: Biskit.LogFile 262 @param allowed: tags required for test to be considered, default: [] 263 @type allowed: [ int ] 264 @param forbidden: tags leading to the exclusion of test, default: [] 265 @type forbidden: [ int ] 266 @param verbosity: verbosity level for unittest.TextTestRunner 267 @type verbosity: int 268 """ 269 270 self.allowed = allowed 271 self.forbidden= forbidden 272 self.log = log 273 self.verbosity = verbosity 274 self.debugging = debug 275 self.suite = FilteredTestSuite( allowed=allowed, forbidden=forbidden ) 276 self.modules_untested = [] #: list of modules without test cases 277 self.modules_tested = [] #: list of modules containing test cases 278 self.result = U.TestResult() #: will hold test result after run()
279 280
281 - def modulesFromPath( self, path=T.projectRoot(), module='Biskit' ):
282 """ 283 Import all python files of a package as modules. Sub-packages 284 are ignored and have to be collected separately. 285 286 @param path: single search path for a package 287 @type path: str 288 @param module: name of the python package [default: Biskit] 289 @type module: str 290 291 @return: list of imported python modules, see also __import__ 292 @rtype : [ module ] 293 294 @raise ImportError: if a python file cannot be imported 295 """ 296 module_folder = module.replace('.', os.path.sep) 297 298 files = glob.glob( os.path.join( path, module_folder,'*.py' ) ) 299 300 files = map( T.stripFilename, files ) 301 files = [ f for f in files if f[0] != '_' ] 302 303 r = [] 304 305 for f in files: 306 try: 307 r += [ __import__( '.'.join([module, f]), globals(), 308 None, [module]) ] 309 except: 310 pass ## temporary // remove after testing 311 312 return r
313 314
315 - def addTestsFromModules( self, modules ):
316 """ 317 Extract all test cases from a list of python modules and add them to 318 the internal test suite. 319 @param modules: list of modules to be checked for BiskitTest classes 320 @type modules: [ module ] 321 """ 322 for m in modules: 323 tested = 0 324 325 for i in m.__dict__.values(): 326 327 if type(i) is type and \ 328 issubclass( i, Biskit.test.BiskitTest ) and \ 329 i.__name__ != 'BiskitTest': 330 331 suite = U.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( i ) 332 self.suite.addTests( suite ) 333 tested = 1 334 335 if tested: 336 self.modules_tested += [m] 337 else: 338 self.modules_untested += [m]
339 340
341 - def collectTests( self, path=T.projectRoot(), module='Biskit' ):
342 """ 343 Add all BiskitTests found in a given module to the internal test suite. 344 @param path: single search path for a package 345 @type path: str 346 @param module: name of the python package 347 @type module: str 348 """ 349 modules = self.modulesFromPath( path=path, module=module ) 350 self.addTestsFromModules( modules )
351 352
353 - def __moduleNames(self, modules ):
354 355 modules = [ m.__name__ for m in modules ] ## extract name 356 modules = [ m.replace('.',' . ') for m in modules ] 357 358 return modules
359 360
361 - def report( self ):
362 """ 363 Report how things went to stdout. 364 """ 365 print '\nThe test log file has been saved to: %r'% self.log.fname 366 total = self.result.testsRun 367 failed = len(self.result.failures) + len(self.result.errors) 368 369 m_tested = len( self.modules_tested ) 370 m_untested= len( self.modules_untested) 371 m_total = m_tested + m_untested 372 373 ## report coverage 374 print '\nTest Coverage:\n=============\n' 375 print '%i out of %i modules had no test case:' % (m_untested,m_total) 376 for m in self.__moduleNames( self.modules_untested) : 377 print '\t', m 378 379 ## print a summary 380 print '\nSUMMARY:\n=======\n' 381 print 'A total of %i tests from %i modules were run.' %(total,m_tested) 382 print ' - %i passed'% (total - failed) 383 print ' - %i failed'% failed 384 385 ## and a better message about which module failed 386 if failed: 387 388 for test, ftrace in self.result.failures: 389 print ' - failed: %s'% 390 391 for test, ftrace in self.result.errors: 392 print ' - error : %s'%
393 394
395 - def run( self, dry=False ):
396 """ 397 @param dry: do not actually run the test but just set it up [False] 398 @type dry: bool 399 """ 400 ## push global settings into test classes 401 for testclass in self.suite: 402 testclass.DEBUG = self.debugging 403 testclass.VERBOSITY = self.verbosity 404 testclass.TESTLOG = self.log 405 406 runner = FlushingTextTestRunner(self.log.f(), verbosity=self.verbosity) 407 if not dry: 408 self.result = self.suite )
409 410 ######################### 411 ### Helper functions #### 412 413
414 -def getOuterNamespace():
415 """ 416 Fetch the namespace of the module/script running as __main__. 417 @return: the namespace of the outermost calling stack frame 418 @rtype: dict 419 """ 420 import inspect 421 422 try: 423 frames = inspect.stack() 424 f = frames[-1][0] ## isolate outer-most calling frame 425 r = f.f_globals 426 finally: 427 del frames, f 428 429 return r
430 431
432 -def extractTestCases( namespace ):
433 """ 434 @return: all BisktTest child classes found in given namespace 435 @rtype: [ class ] 436 @raise BiskitTestError: if there is no BiskitTest child 437 """ 438 r =[] 439 440 for i in namespace.values(): 441 442 if type(i) is type \ 443 and issubclass( i, Biskit.test.BiskitTest )\ 444 and i.__name__ != 'BiskitTest': 445 446 r += [i] 447 448 if not r: 449 raise BiskitTestError, 'no BiskitTest class found in namespace' 450 451 return r
452 453
454 -def localTest( testclass=None, verbosity=BiskitTest.VERBOSITY, 455 debug=BiskitTest.DEBUG, log=BiskitTest.TESTLOG ):
456 """ 457 Perform the BiskitTest(s) found in the scope of the calling module. 458 After the test run, all fields of the BiskitTest instance are 459 pushed into the global namespace so that they can be inspected in the 460 interactive interpreter. The BiskitTest instance itself is also 461 put into the calling namespace as variable 'self', so that test code 462 fragments referring to it can be executed interactively. 463 464 @param testclass: BiskitTest-derived class [default: first one found] 465 @type testclass: class 466 @param verbosity: verbosity level of TextTestRunner 467 @type verbosity: int 468 @param debug: don't delete temporary files (skipp cleanUp) [0] 469 @type debug: int 470 471 @return: the test result object 472 @rtype: unittest.TestResult 473 474 @raise BiskitTestError: if there is no BiskitTest-derived class defined 475 """ 476 ## get calling namespace 477 outer = getOuterNamespace() 478 if testclass: 479 testclasses = [testclass] 480 else: 481 testclasses = extractTestCases( outer ) 482 483 suite = U.TestSuite() 484 for test in testclasses: 485 suite.addTests( U.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase( test ) ) 486 487 for test in suite: 488 test.DEBUG = debug 489 test.VERBOSITY = verbosity 490 test.TESTLOG = log 491 492 runner= U.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity) 493 r = suite ) 494 495 for t in suite._tests: 496 outer.update( t.__dict__ ) 497 outer.update( {'self':t }) 498 499 return r
500 501 ############### 502 ## Mock test ## 503
504 -class Test(BiskitTest):
505 """Mock test, test doesn't test itself""" 506 pass
507 508 ######################## 509 ### Script functions ### 510
511 -def _use( defaults ):
512 print """ 513 Run unittest tests for biskit. 514 515 [-i |include tag1 tag2..| -e |exclude tag1 tag2..| 516 -p |package1 package2..| 517 -v |verbosity| -log |log-file| -nox ] 518 519 i - include tags, only run tests with at least one of these tags [All] 520 e - exclude tags, do not run tests labeled with one of these tags [old] 521 valid tags are: 522 long - long running test case 523 pvm - depends on PVM 524 exe - depends on external application 525 old - is obsolete 526 (If no tags are given to -i this means all tests are included) 527 528 p - packages to test, e.g. Biskit Biskit.Dock Biskit.Mod [All] 529 v - int, verbosity level, 3 switches on several graphical plots [2] 530 log - path to logfile (overriden); empty -log means STDOUT [STDOUT] 531 nox - suppress test plots [False] 532 dry - do not actually run the test but just collect tests [False] 533 534 Examples: 535 536 * Run all but long or obsolete tests from Biskit and Biskit.Dock: 537 -e old long -p Biskit Biskit.Dock 538 539 * Run only PVM-dependent tests of the Biskit.Mod sub-package: 540 -i pvm -p Biskit.Mod 541 542 543 Default options: 544 """ 545 for key, value in defaults.items(): 546 print "\t-",key, "\t",value 547 548 sys.exit(0)
549 550
551 -def _str2tags( s ):
552 """convert list of string options to list of valid TAGS""" 553 try: 554 r = [ x.upper() for x in s if x ] ## to list of uppercase str 555 r = [ eval( x ) for x in r ] ## to list of int 556 except: 557 EHandler.error('unrecognized tags: %r'%s) 558 559 return r
561 -def _convertOptions( o ):
562 o['i'] = _str2tags( T.toList( o['i'] ) ) 563 o['e'] = _str2tags( T.toList( o['e'] ) ) 564 o['v'] = int( o['v'] ) 565 o['nox'] = ('nox' in o) 566 o['dry'] = ('dry' in o) 567 o['debug'] = ('debug' in o) 568 if o['log']: 569 o['log'] = LogFile( o['log'] ) 570 else: 571 o['log'] = StdLog() 572 o['p'] = T.toList( o['p'] )
573 574 if __name__ == '__main__': 575 576 from Biskit import EHandler 577 import sys 578 579 580 defaults = {'i':'', 581 'e':'old', 582 'p':['Biskit', 'Biskit.Dock', 'Biskit.Mod', 'Biskit.PVM', 583 'Biskit.Statistics'], 584 'v':'2', 585 'log': '', ##T.testRoot()+'/test.log', 586 } 587 588 o = T.cmdDict( defaults ) 589 590 if len( sys.argv ) == 1 and '' in sys.argv[0]: 591 _use( defaults ) 592 593 _convertOptions( o ) 594 595 BiskitTest.VERBOSITY = o['v'] 596 BiskitTest.DEBUG = o['debug'] 597 598 l = BiskitTestLoader( allowed=o['i'], forbidden=o['e'], 599 verbosity=o['v'], log=o['log'], debug=o['debug']) 600 601 602 for package in o['p']: 603 print 'collecting ', repr( package ) 604 l.collectTests( module=package ) 605 606 dry=o['dry'] ) 607 608 609 print "DONE" 610