Package Biskit :: Package Dock :: Module Analyzer :: Class Analyzer
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Class Analyzer

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Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, verbose=1, **options)
[0|1|2] __categorizeHexSurf(self, cutoff=0.1)
Compare complexes of list to native complex to see if their contact surfaces overlapp with the native complex.
  setHexComplexes(self, com_lst, n=20)
add contact matrices of hex-generated (wrong) complexes for comparison
[matrix] random_contacts(self, contMat, n, maskRec=None, maskLig=None)
Create randomized surface contact matrix with same number of contacts and same shape as given contact matrix.
[any] __shuffleList(self, lst)
shuffle order of lst
[[any]] shuffledLists(self, n, lst, mask=None)
shuffle order of a list n times, leaving masked(0) elements untouched
  __plotSequence(self, list, **arg)
add curve to current plot, with x1..xn = 0..n and y1..yn = |list|
override for actual plotting
override for plot creation
Show plot

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, verbose=1, **options)

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  • verbose (1|0) - verbosity level (default: 1)
  • options (any) - needs:
                    rec,lig - file name, receptor, ligand trajectories
                    ref     - file name, pickled reference complex

__categorizeHexSurf(self, cutoff=0.1)

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Compare complexes of list to native complex to see if their contact surfaces overlapp with the native complex.
  • cutoff (float) - fraction cutoff for defining a overlap (default: 0.1)
Returns: [0|1|2]
list of len(self.hexContacts) overlapping with native contact surface of lig and rec (0 - no overlap, 1 - rec OR lig overlapps, 2- rec AND lig overlapps)

setHexComplexes(self, com_lst, n=20)

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add contact matrices of hex-generated (wrong) complexes for comparison
  • com_lst (ComplexList) - ComplexList with contacts calculated

random_contacts(self, contMat, n, maskRec=None, maskLig=None)

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Create randomized surface contact matrix with same number of contacts and same shape as given contact matrix.
  • contMat (matrix) - template contact matrix
  • n (int) - number of matrices to generate
  • maskRec ([1|0]) - surface masks (or something similar)
  • maskLig ([1|0]) - surface masks (or something similar)
Returns: [matrix]
list of [n] random contact matricies

__shuffleList(self, lst)

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shuffle order of lst
  • lst ([any]) - list to shuffle
Returns: [any]
shuffeled list

shuffledLists(self, n, lst, mask=None)

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shuffle order of a list n times, leaving masked(0) elements untouched
  • n (int) - number of times to shuffle the list
  • lst ([any]) - list to shuffle
  • mask ([1|0]) - mask to be applied to lst
Returns: [[any]]
list of shuffeled lists

__plotSequence(self, list, **arg)

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add curve to current plot, with x1..xn = 0..n and y1..yn = |list|
  • list ([any]) - list to plot


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override for actual plotting


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override for plot creation


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Show plot