Package Biskit :: Module SparseArray :: Class SparseArray
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Class SparseArray

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Memory - saving representation of a sparse array.

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, array_or_shape=0, typecode='f', default=0.)
Create a sparse array from a normal Numeric array or create an empty sparse array with a certain shape.
  __setAll_1D(self, a)
Replace content of this sparseArray with values from Numeric array or list of numbers -- only for 1-dimensional arrays.
  __setAll(self, a)
Replace content of this array with values from (multidimensional) Numeric array of numbers or list of lists (of lists..) of numbers.
str typecode(self)
Get type code of object.
number default(self)
Get default value, defined in __init__.
[ int ] nondefault(self)
Get a 1D list of indices that have a non-default value in a raveled version of this array.
[ number ] nondefault_values(self)
Get a 1D-list of all values != L.default() in the order that they would have in a raveled array.
array toarray(self)
Reconstruct dense array:
list tolist(self)
Reconstruct list from dense array:
  put(self, i, v)
Replace one or several values, L.put( i, v )
  __setMany(self, indices, values)
Add / replace values of the array.
int __pos(self, i)
Target position of given index in index list.
  __setitem__(self, i, v)
Set position specifyed by the index i to value v.
  __setitem_1D(self, i, v)
Set position specifyed by the index i to value v in a 1D array.
  __getitem_1D(self, i)
Value for specified position:
  __getitem__(self, i)
Value for specified position.
int __len__(self)
Get length: supports len( this )
0|1 __eq__(self, o)
Comparison equal: supports this == other
0|1 __ne__(self, o)
Comparison not equal: supports this != other
SparseArray __getslice__(self, a, b)
Slice a sparce array:
0|1 __contains__(self, v)
Sparse array contains value: supports v in this -> 0|1
int count(self, v)
Count the occuravces of value in sparse array:
int index(self, v)
position of first occurrence of value:
1|0 empty(self)
Check if object is empty.
  __delitem__(self, i)
Delete value at index i: supports del this[i]
  insert(self, i, v)
Insert value before index:
  append(self, v, axis=0)
Enlarge this array along an axis by one value:
  extend(self, lst)
Extend list by appending elements from the iterable:

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, array_or_shape=0, typecode='f', default=0.)

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Create a sparse array from a normal Numeric array or create an empty sparse array with a certain shape.
  • array_or_shape (( int, ) OR int OR array) - craeate sparse array from:
                            ( int, ),   shape of array
                             OR int,     length of array
                             OR array,   numeric (dense) array
  • typecode (str) - single char type of values ['f' OR input type]
  • default (any) - value of majority of array content (default: 0.)

__setAll_1D(self, a)

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Replace content of this sparseArray with values from Numeric array or list of numbers -- only for 1-dimensional arrays.
  • a (array OR [ number ]) - array OR list

__setAll(self, a)

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Replace content of this array with values from (multidimensional) Numeric array of numbers or list of lists (of lists..) of numbers.
  • a (array OR [ [ number ] ]) - array OR list of lists


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Get type code of object.
Returns: str
typecode of lowest dimension


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Get default value, defined in __init__.
Returns: number
default value for array elements (of lowest dimension)


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Get a 1D list of indices that have a non-default value in a raveled version of this array. If L.default()==0 this would be equivalent to nonzero( ravel( L.toarray() ) ) (except that the Numeric array is never constructed).
Returns: [ int ]
list of indices with none default values


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Get a 1D-list of all values != L.default() in the order that they would have in a raveled array. If L.default()==0 this would be equivalent to take( L.toarray(), nonzero( ravel( L.toarray() ) ) ) (except that the Numeric array is never constructed).
Returns: [ number ]
list of none default values


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Reconstruct dense array:
 L.toarray() -> Numeric.array, normal dense array
Returns: array
normal dense array


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Reconstruct list from dense array:
 L.tolist() -> [ ([) number (]) ], same as L.toarray().tolist()
Returns: list
list from normal dense array

put(self, i, v)

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Replace one or several values, L.put( i, v )
  • i (int OR [ int ]) - indices
  • v (any OR [ any ]) - values

__setMany(self, indices, values)

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Add / replace values of the array.
  • indices ([int]) - indices, [ int ] OR Numeric.array('i')
  • values ([any] OR array) - values, [ any ] OR Numeric.array

__pos(self, i)

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Target position of given index in index list.
  • i (int) - index
Returns: int
target position of given index in index list
  • IndexError - if out of bounds

__setitem__(self, i, v)
(Index assignment operator)

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Set position specifyed by the index i to value v.
  • i (int OR (int,int)) - index
  • v (any) - value

__setitem_1D(self, i, v)

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Set position specifyed by the index i to value v in a 1D array.
  • i (int) - array index
  • v (any) - value
  • IndexError - if i < 0 or i > len( this )

__getitem_1D(self, i)

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Value for specified position:
 this[ i ] -> number OR SparseArray
  • i (int) - array index
  • IndexError - if i < 0 or i >= len( this )

__getitem__(self, i)
(Indexing operator)

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Value for specified position.
  • i (int OR (int,int)) - array index

(Length operator)

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Get length: supports len( this )
Returns: int
object length

__eq__(self, o)
(Equality operator)

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Comparison equal: supports this == other
Returns: 0|1
result of comparison

__ne__(self, o)

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Comparison not equal: supports this != other
Returns: 0|1
result of comparison

__getslice__(self, a, b)
(Slicling operator)

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Slice a sparce array:
 this[ a : b ] -> SparseArray
Returns: SparseArray
sliced sparse array

__contains__(self, v)
(In operator)

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Sparse array contains value: supports v in this -> 0|1
  • v (any) - value
Returns: 0|1
result of comparison

count(self, v)

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Count the occuravces of value in sparse array:
 count( value ) -> int, number of occurences of value.
  • v (any) - value
Returns: int
number of occurances

index(self, v)

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position of first occurrence of value:
 index( value ) -> int
  • v (any) - value to look for
Returns: int
index of first occurance
  • ValueError - if value is not contained in this list


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Check if object is empty.
Returns: 1|0
true if lenght is 0

__delitem__(self, i)
(Index deletion operator)

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Delete value at index i: supports del this[i]
  • i (int) - index

Note: del this[int:int] is not supported

insert(self, i, v)

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Insert value before index:
 this.insert(index, value) 
  • v (any) - value to insert
  • i (int) - index
  • IndexError - if i < 0 or i > len( this )

append(self, v, axis=0)

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Enlarge this array along an axis by one value:
 L.append( value, [ axis=0 ])
  • v (number OR SparseArray) - v MUST be a sparse array if the given axis is not the last axis of this array
  • axis (int) - dimension along wich v should be added

extend(self, lst)

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Extend list by appending elements from the iterable:
  • lst ([any] OR SparseArray) - list OR SparseArray with extend values