Package Biskit :: Module PDBParser :: Class PDBParser
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Class PDBParser

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**Abstract** base class for parsers that generate PDBModel objects from different source formats.

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, log=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
  update(self, model, source, skipRes=None, lookHarder=0)
Update empty or missing fields of model from the source.
bool needsUpdate(self, model)
This function is called by update() to decide whether or not to open the source.
PDBModel parse2new(self, source, disconnect=False, skipRes=None)
Create a new PDBModel from the source.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Static Methods [hide private]
bool supports(source)
str description()

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, log=None)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
  • log (


    Override if needed. Call parent method in overriding class!
    ) - Log for warnings [default log to STDERR]
Overrides: object.__init__

Static Method

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The method is static and can thus be called directly with the parser class rather than with an instance:

>>> if PDBParser.supports('myfile.pdb'):
>>>     ...
Returns: bool
True if the given source is supported by this parser implementation

Static Method

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The method is static and can thus be called directly with the parser class rather than with an instance:

>>> if PDBParser.description('myfile.pdb'):
>>>     ...
Returns: str
short free text description of the supported format

update(self, model, source, skipRes=None, lookHarder=0)

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Update empty or missing fields of model from the source. The model will be connected to the source via model.source. Override!
  • model (PDBModel) - existing model
  • source (str || file || PDBModel) - source PDB file or pickled PDBModel or PDBModel object
  • skipRes ([ str ]) - list residue names that should not be parsed
  • lookHarder (1 || 0) - check source for additional profiles that are not yet known for the model [False]

needsUpdate(self, model)

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This function is called by update() to decide whether or not to open the source. Override if needed.
  • model (PDBModel) - model
Returns: bool
true, if the model needs to be updated from its source

parse2new(self, source, disconnect=False, skipRes=None)

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Create a new PDBModel from the source.
  • source (str || file || PDBModel) - source PDB file or pickled PDBModel or PDBModel object
  • disconnect (bool) - do *not* associate new model with the source [False]
  • skipRes ([ str ]) - list residues that should not be parsed
Returns: PDBModel
new model (always of type PDBModel, regardless of source type)