Package Biskit :: Module PDBParsePickle :: Class PDBParsePickle
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Class PDBParsePickle

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Instance Methods [hide private]
  update(self, model, source, skipRes=None, lookHarder=0)
Update empty or missing fields of model from the source.

Inherited from PDBParser.PDBParser: __init__, needsUpdate, parse2new

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Static Methods [hide private]
bool supports(source)
The method is static and can thus be called directly with the parser class rather than with an instance:
str description()
The method is static and can thus be called directly with the parser class rather than with an instance:

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

Static Method

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The method is static and can thus be called directly with the parser class rather than with an instance:

>>> if ParsePDBModel.supports( model ):
>>>     ...
Returns: bool
True if the given source is supported by this parser implementation (equivalent to isinstance( source, PDBModel) )
Overrides: PDBParseModel.PDBParseModel.supports

Static Method

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The method is static and can thus be called directly with the parser class rather than with an instance:

>>> if ParsePDBModel.description():
>>>     ...
Returns: str
short free text description of the supported format
Overrides: PDBParseModel.PDBParseModel.description

update(self, model, source, skipRes=None, lookHarder=0)

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Update empty or missing fields of model from the source. The model will be connected to the source via model.source.
  • model (PDBModel) - existing model
  • source (str || file || PDBModel) - source PDB file or pickled PDBModel or PDBModel object
  • skipRes ([ str ]) - list residue names that should not be parsed
Overrides: PDBParseModel.PDBParseModel.update