Package Biskit :: Module PDBModel
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Source Code for Module Biskit.PDBModel

   1  ## 
   2  ## Biskit, a toolkit for the manipulation of macromolecular structures 
   3  ## Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Raik Gruenberg & Johan Leckner 
   4  ## 
   5  ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
   6  ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
   7  ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
   8  ## License, or any later version. 
   9  ## 
  10  ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
  11  ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
  13  ## General Public License for more details. 
  14  ## 
  15  ## You find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file 
  16  ## license.txt along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
  17  ## Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
  18  ## 
  19  ## 
  20  ## last $Author: leckner $ 
  21  ## last $Date: 2006/12/21 09:39:15 $ 
  22  ## $Revision: 2.12 $ 
  24  """ 
  25  Store and manipulate coordinates and atom information. 
  26  """ 
  28  import tools as t 
  29  import molUtils 
  30  import mathUtils 
  31  import match2seq 
  32  import rmsFit 
  33  from LocalPath import LocalPath 
  34  from Errors import BiskitError 
  35  from Biskit import EHandler 
  36  from ProfileCollection import ProfileCollection, ProfileError 
  37  from PDBParserFactory import PDBParserFactory 
  39  import Numeric as N 
  40  import MLab 
  41  import os, sys 
  42  import copy 
  43  import time 
  44  import string 
  45  import types 
  46  import Scientific.IO.PDB as IO 
  48  from multiarray import arraytype 
51 -class PDBProfiles( ProfileCollection ):
52 - def version( self ):
53 return ProfileCollection.version(self) + '; PDBModel $Revision: 2.12 $'
55 -class PDBError(BiskitError):
56 pass
58 -class PDBModel:
59 """ 60 Store and manipulate coordinates and atom infos stemming from a 61 PDB file. Coordinates are stored in the Numeric array 'xyz'; the 62 additional atom infos from the PDB are stored in the list of 63 dictionaries 'atoms'. 64 Methods are provided to remove items from both atoms and xyz 65 simultaniously, to restore the PDB file, to get masks for certain 66 atom types/names/residues, to iterate over residues, sort atoms etc. 67 68 Atom- or residue-related values can be put into 'profile' arrays. 69 See setAtomProfile() and setResProfile(). Any reordering or removal of 70 atoms is also applied to the profiles so that they should always match 71 the current atom/residue order. 72 73 The object remembers its source (a PDB file or a PDBModel in memory 74 or a pickled PDBModel on disc) and keeps track of whether atoms, xyz, or 75 (which) profiles have been changed with respect to the source. 76 The slim() method is called before pickling a PDBModel. It sets to None 77 the atoms and/or xyz array or any profiles if they have not been changed 78 since beeing read from a source on disc. The change status of xyz and 79 atoms is reported by isChanged() (with respect to the direct source) and 80 isChangedFromDisc() (with respect to the source of the source... just in 81 case). 82 You can trick this mechanism by setting atomsChanged or xyzChanged back 83 to 0 if you want to make only temporary changes that are lost after a 84 call to slim(). 85 86 Additional infos about the model can be put into a dictionary 'info'. 87 88 @todo: clean up, rename returnPdb() 89 @todo: clean up the __terAtoms mess 90 @todo: use Profiles instead of space consuming atom dictionaries 91 """ 92
93 - def __init__( self, source=None, pdbCode=None, noxyz=0, skipRes=None ):
94 """ 95 - PDBModel() creates an empty Model to which coordinates (field xyz) 96 and PDB infos (field atoms) have still to be added. 97 - PDBModel( file_name ) creates a complete model with coordinates 98 and PDB infos taken from file_name (pdb, pdb.gz, pickled PDBModel) 99 - PDBModel( PDBModel ) creates a copy of the given model 100 - PDBModel( PDBModel, noxyz=1 ) creates a copy without coordinates 101 102 @param source: str, file name of pdb/pdb.gz file OR pickled PDBModel OR 103 PDBModel, template structure to copy atoms/xyz field from 104 @type source: str or PDBModel 105 @param pdbCode: PDB code, is extracted from file name otherwise 106 @type pdbCode: str or None 107 @param noxyz: 0 (default) || 1, create without coordinates 108 @type noxyz: 0||1 109 110 @raise PDBError: if file exists but can't be read 111 """ 112 self.source = source 113 if type( self.source ) is str: 114 self.source = LocalPath( self.source ) 115 116 self.__validSource = 0 117 self.fileName = None 118 self.pdbCode = pdbCode 119 = None 120 self.atoms = None 121 122 ## save atom-/residue-based values 123 self.rProfiles = PDBProfiles() 124 self.aProfiles = PDBProfiles() 125 126 ## pre-defined atom masks, calculated when first needed 127 self.caMask = None 128 self.bbMask = None 129 self.heavyMask = None 130 131 ## prepare caching 132 self.__resMap = None 133 self.__resIndex = None 134 135 ## positions of atoms followed by TER in PDB file 136 self.__terAtoms = [] 137 138 if noxyz: 139 ## trick update to leave xyz untouched 140 = 0 141 142 ## monitor changes of coordinates and atoms 143 self.xyzChanged = 0 144 self.atomsChanged = 0 145 146 self.forcePickle = 0 147 148 ## version as of creation of this object 149 self.initVersion = self.version() 150 151 ## to collect further informations 152 = { 'date':t.dateSortString() } 153 154 if source <> None: 155 156 self.update( skipRes=skipRes, lookHarder=1 ) 157 158 if noxyz: 159 ## discard coordinates, even when read from PDB file 160 = None
161 162
163 - def version( self ):
164 return 'PDBModel $Revision: 2.12 $'
165 166
167 - def __getstate__(self):
168 """ 169 called before pickling the object. 170 """ 171 self.slim() 172 self.forcePickle = 0 173 return self.__dict__
175 - def __setstate__(self, state ):
176 """ 177 called for unpickling the object. 178 """ 179 self.__dict__ = state 180 ## backwards compability 181 self.__defaults()
183 - def __len__(self):
184 return self.lenAtoms()
186 - def __defaults(self ):
187 """ 188 backwards compatibility to earlier pickled models 189 """ 190 191 self.__resMap = getattr( self, '_PDBModel__resMap', None) 192 self.__resIndex = getattr( self, '_PDBModel__resIndex', None) 193 194 if type( self.source ) == str: 195 self.source = LocalPath( self.source ) 196 197 self.__validSource = getattr( self, '_PDBModel__validSource', 0) 198 199 self.initVersion = getattr( self, 'initVersion', 'old PDBModel') 200 201 ## convert old profile dictionaries into new ProfileCollections 202 if 'resProfiles' in self.__dict__: 203 self.rProfiles=PDBProfiles( 204 profiles=getattr(self,'resProfiles',{}), 205 infos=getattr(self,'resProfiles_info',{}) ) 206 try: 207 del self.resProfiles; del self.resProfiles_info 208 except: pass 209 210 if 'atomProfiles' in self.__dict__: 211 self.aProfiles=PDBProfiles( 212 profiles=getattr(self,'atomProfiles',{}), 213 infos=getattr(self,'atomProfiles_info',{}) ) 214 try: 215 del self.atomProfiles; del self.atomProfiles_info 216 except: pass 217 218 ## if there are not even old profiles... 219 if not getattr( self, 'aProfiles', None): 220 self.aProfiles = PDBProfiles() 221 if not getattr( self, 'rProfiles', None): 222 self.rProfiles = PDBProfiles() 223 224 self.forcePickle = getattr( self, 'forcePickle', 0 ) 225 226 = getattr( self, 'info', { 'date':t.dateSortString() } ) 227 228 ## not simplified to 1 line because __pdbTer would otherwise always 229 ## been executed 230 if getattr( self, '_PDBModel__terAtoms', -1) == -1: 231 self.__terAtoms = self.__pdbTer(1) 232 233 ## fix previous bug: slim() was creating a self.xyx instead of xyz 234 if getattr( self, 'xyx', 0 ): 235 del self.xyx
236 237
238 - def update( self, skipRes=None, lookHarder=0, force=0 ):
239 """ 240 Read coordinates, atoms, fileName, etc. from PDB or 241 pickled PDBModel - but only if they are currently empty. 242 The atomsChanged and xyzChanged flags are not changed. 243 244 @param skipRes: names of residues to skip if updating from PDB 245 @type skipRes: list of str 246 @param lookHarder: 0(default): update only existing profiles 247 @type lookHarder: 0|1 248 @param force: ignore invalid source (0) or report error (1) 249 @type force: 0|1 250 251 @raise PDBError: if file can't be unpickled or read: 252 """ 253 source = self.validSource() 254 255 if source is None and force: 256 raise PDBError( str(self.source) + ' is not a valid source.') 257 258 if source is None: 259 return 260 261 parser = PDBParserFactory.getParser( source ) 262 parser.update(self, source, skipRes=skipRes, lookHarder=lookHarder )
263 264
265 - def __pdbTer( self, rmOld=0 ):
266 """ 267 @param rmOld: 1, remove after_ter=0 flags from all atoms 268 @type rmOld: 1||0 269 270 @return: list of atom indices that are followed by a TER record 271 (marked with 'after_ter' flag of the next atom 272 by __collectAll). 273 @rtype: list of int 274 """ 275 atoms = self.getAtoms() 276 277 ## all atoms preceeding a TER record 278 ater = [ i-1 for i in range( self.lenAtoms() ) 279 if atoms[i].get('after_ter',0)] 280 281 ## remove after_ter=0 flags from all atoms 282 if rmOld: 283 for a in self.atoms: 284 if a.has_key('after_ter') and a['after_ter']==0: 285 del a['after_ter'] 286 287 ## remove negative indices 288 return N.compress( N.greater( ater, -1 ), ater )
289 290
291 - def setXyz(self, xyz ):
292 """ 293 Replace coordinates. 294 295 @param xyz: Numpy array ( 3 x N_atoms ) of float 296 @type xyz: array 297 298 @return: N.array( 3 x N_atoms ) or None, old coordinates 299 @rtype: array 300 """ 301 old = 302 = xyz 303 304 self.xyzChanged = self.xyzChanged or \ 305 not mathUtils.arrayEqual(,old ) 306 return old
307 308
309 - def setAtoms( self, atoms ):
310 """ 311 Replace atoms list of dictionaries. 312 self.__terAtoms is re-created from the 'after_ter' records in atoms 313 314 @param atoms: list of dictionaries as returned by PDBFile.readLine() 315 (nearly, for differences see L{__collectAll()} ) 316 @type atoms: list of dictionaries 317 318 @return: [ dict ], old atom dictionaries 319 @rtype: list of dict 320 """ 321 old = self.atoms 322 self.atoms = atoms 323 324 changedNow = not ( self.atoms == old ) 325 326 if self.atomsChanged: 327 self.__resMap = self.__resIndex = None 328 self.caMask = None 329 self.bbMask = None 330 self.heavyMask = None 331 self.__terAtoms = self.__pdbTer() 332 333 self.atomsChanged = self.atomsChanged or changedNow 334 335 return old
336 337
338 - def setSource( self, source ):
339 """ 340 @param source: LocalPath OR PDBModel OR str 341 """ 342 if type( source ) == str: 343 self.source = LocalPath( source ) 344 else: 345 self.source = source 346 self.__validSource = 0
347 348
349 - def getXyz( self, mask=None ):
350 """ 351 Get coordinates, fetch from source PDB or pickled PDBModel, 352 if necessary. 353 354 @param mask: atom mask 355 @type mask: list of int OR array of 1||0 356 357 @return: xyz-coordinates, N.array( 3 x N_atoms, 'f' ) 358 @rtype: array 359 """ 360 if is None: 361 self.update( force=1 ) 362 363 if is None: 364 return N.array( [], 'f' ) 365 366 if mask is None: 367 return 368 369 return N.compress( mask,, 0 )
370 371
372 - def getAtoms( self, mask=None ):
373 """ 374 Get atom dictionaries, fetch from source PDB or pickled PDBModel, 375 if necessary. See also L{__collectAll()}. 376 377 @param mask: atom mask 378 @type mask: list of int OR array of 1||0 379 380 @return: atom dictionary, list of dictionaries from PDBFile.readline() 381 @rtype: list of dic 382 """ 383 if self.atoms is None: 384 self.update( force=1 ) 385 386 if self.atoms is None: 387 return [] 388 389 if mask is None: 390 return self.atoms 391 392 return [ self.atoms[i] for i in N.nonzero( mask ) ]
393 394
395 - def setResProfile( self, name, prof, mask=None, default=None, asarray=1, 396 comment=None, **moreInfo):
397 """ 398 Add/override residue-based profile. 399 400 @param name: name to access profile 401 @type name: str 402 @param prof: list/array of values 403 @type prof: list OR array 404 @param mask: list/array 1 x N_residues of 0|1, N.sum(mask)==len(prof) 405 @type mask: list OR array 406 @param default: value for masked residues 407 default: None for lists, 0 for arrays 408 @type default: any 409 @param asarray: store as list (0), as array (2) or store numbers as 410 array but everything else as list (1) default: 1 411 @type asarray: 0|1|2 412 @param comment: goes into aProfiles_info[name]['comment'] 413 @type comment: str 414 @param moreInfo: additional key-value pairs for aProfiles_info[name] 415 @type moreInfo: (key, value) 416 417 @raise ProfileError: if length of prof != N_atoms 418 """ 419 self.rProfiles.set( name, prof, mask=mask, default=default, 420 asarray=asarray, comment=comment, **moreInfo )
422 - def setAtomProfile( self, name, prof, mask=None, default=None, asarray=1, 423 comment=None, **moreInfo):
424 """ 425 Add/override atom-based profile. 426 427 @param name: name to access profile 428 @type name: str 429 @param prof: list/array of values 430 @type prof: list OR array 431 @param mask: list/array 1 x N_residues of 0 || 1, profile items 432 @type mask: list OR array 433 @param default: value for masked residues 434 default: None for lists, 0 for arrays 435 @type default: any 436 @param asarray: store as list (0), as array (2) or store numbers as 437 array but everything else as list (1) default: 1 438 @type asarray: 0|1|2 439 @param comment: goes into aProfiles_info[name]['comment'] 440 @type comment: str 441 @param moreInfo: additional key-value pairs for aProfiles_info[name] 442 @type moreInfo: (key, value) 443 444 @raise ProfileError: if length of prof 445 """ 446 self.aProfiles.set( name, prof, mask=mask, default=default, 447 asarray=asarray, comment=comment, **moreInfo )
448 449
450 - def resProfile( self, name, default=None ):
451 """ 452 Use:: 453 resProfile( profile_name ) -> array 1 x N_res with residue values 454 455 @param name: name to access profile 456 @type name: str 457 458 @return: residue profile array 1 x N_res with residue values 459 @rtype: array 460 461 @raise ProfileError: if rProfiles contains no entry for |name| 462 """ 463 return self.rProfiles.get( name, default=default )
464 465
466 - def atomProfile(self, name, default=None ):
467 """ 468 Use:: 469 atomProfile( profile_name ) -> array 1 x N_atoms with atom values 470 471 @param name: name to access profile 472 @type name: str 473 474 @return: atom profile array 1 x N_atoms with atom values 475 @rtype: array 476 477 @raise ProfileError: if aProfiles contains no entry for |name| 478 """ 479 return self.aProfiles.get( name, default=default )
480 481
482 - def profile( self, name, default=None, lookHarder=0 ):
483 """ 484 Use:: 485 profile( name, lookHarder=0) -> atom or residue profile 486 487 @param name: name to access profile 488 @type name: str 489 @param default: default result if no profile is found, 490 if None, raise exception 491 @type default: any 492 @param lookHarder: update from source before reporting missing profile 493 @type lookHarder: 0||1 494 495 @raise ProfileError: if neither atom- nor rProfiles 496 contains |name| 497 """ 498 if lookHarder and not name in self.aProfiles and \ 499 not name in self.rProfiles: 500 self.update() 501 502 if name in self.aProfiles: 503 return self.aProfiles[ name ] 504 505 return self.rProfiles.get( name, default=default )
506 507
508 - def profileInfo( self, name, lookHarder=0 ):
509 """ 510 Use:: 511 profileInfo( name ) -> dict with infos about profile 512 513 @param name: name to access profile 514 @type name: str 515 @param lookHarder:update from source before reporting missing profile:: 516 Guaranteed infos: 'version'->str, 517 'comment'->str, 518 'changed'->1||0 519 @type lookHarder: 0|1 520 521 @raise ProfileError: if neither atom - nor rProfiles 522 contains |name| 523 """ 524 if lookHarder and not name in self.Profiles and \ 525 not name in self.rProfiles: 526 self.update() 527 528 if name in self.aProfiles: 529 return self.aProfiles.getInfo( name ) 530 531 if name in self.rProfiles: 532 return self.rProfiles.getInfo( name ) 533 534 raise ProfileError( 'No profile info found with name '+str(name))
535 536
537 - def setProfileInfo( self, name, **args ):
538 """ 539 Add/Override infos about a given profile 540 E.g. setProfileInfo('relASA', comment='new', params={'bin':'whatif'}) 541 542 @param name: name to access profile 543 @type name: str 544 545 @raise ProfileError: if neither atom 546 """ 547 d = self.profileInfo( name ) 548 for key, value in args.items(): 549 d[key] = value
550 551
552 - def removeProfile( self, *names ):
553 """ 554 Remove residue or atom profile(s) 555 556 Use:: 557 removeProfile( str_name [,name2, name3] ) -> 1|0, 558 559 @param names: name or list of residue or atom profiles 560 @type names: str OR list of str 561 562 @return: 1 if at least 1 profile has been deleted, 563 0 if none has been found 564 @rtype: int 565 """ 566 r = 0 567 568 for n in names: 569 if n in self.aProfiles: 570 del self.aProfiles[n] 571 r = 1 572 573 if n in self.rProfiles: 574 del self.rProfiles[n] 575 r = 1 576 return r
577 578
579 - def isChanged(self):
580 """ 581 Tell if xyz or atoms have been changed compared to source file or 582 source object (which can be still in memory). 583 584 @return: (1,1)..both xyz and atoms field have been changed 585 @rtype: (1||0, 1||0) 586 """ 587 if (self.xyzChanged==0 or self.atomsChanged==0) \ 588 and ( self.source is not None and self.validSource() is None ): 589 raise PDBError('Invalid source: '+str(self.source) ) 590 591 if self.validSource() is None: 592 return (1,1) 593 594 return (self.xyzChanged, self.atomsChanged)
595 596
597 - def isChangedFromDisc(self):
598 """ 599 Tell whether xyz and atoms can currently be reconstructed from a 600 source on disc. Same as isChanged() unless source is another not yet 601 saved PDBModel instance that made changes relative to its own source 602 ... 603 604 @return: (1,1)..both xyz and atoms field have been changed 605 @rtype: (1||0, 1||0) 606 """ 607 if isinstance( self.source, PDBModel ): 608 xChanged = self.isChanged()[0] or \ 609 self.source.isChangedFromDisc()[0] 610 aChanged = self.isChanged()[1] or \ 611 self.source.isChangedFromDisc()[1] 612 613 return xChanged, aChanged 614 615 return self.isChanged()
616 617
618 - def profileChangedFromDisc(self, pname):
619 """ 620 Check if profile has changed compared to source. 621 622 @return: 1, if profile |pname| can currently not be 623 reconstructed from a source on disc. 624 @rtype: int 625 626 @raise ProfileError: if there is no atom or res profile with pname 627 """ 628 if self.validSource() is None: 629 return 1 630 631 if isinstance( self.source, PDBModel ): 632 return self.profileInfo( pname )['changed'] or \ 633 self.source.profileChangedFromDisc( pname ) 634 635 return self.profileInfo( pname )['changed']
636 637
638 - def __slimProfiles(self):
639 """ 640 Remove profiles, that haven't been changed from a direct 641 or indirect source on disc 642 B{AUTOMATICALLY CALLED BEFORE PICKLING} 643 """ 644 for key in self.rProfiles: 645 646 if not self.profileChangedFromDisc( key ): 647 self.rProfiles[ key ] = None 648 649 if type( self.rProfiles[ key ] ) == arraytype: 650 self.rProfiles[ key ] = self.rProfiles[key].tolist() 651 652 for key in self.aProfiles: 653 654 if not self.profileChangedFromDisc( key ): 655 self.aProfiles[ key ] = None 656 657 if type( self.aProfiles[ key ] ) == arraytype: 658 self.aProfiles[ key ] = self.aProfiles[key].tolist()
660 - def slim( self ):
661 """ 662 Remove xyz array and list of atoms if they haven't been changed and 663 could hence be loaded from the source file (only if there is a source 664 file...). Remove any unchanged profiles. 665 B{AUTOMATICALLY CALLED BEFORE PICKLING} 666 """ 667 ## remove atoms/coordinates if they are unchanged from an existing 668 ## source 669 ## override this behaviour with forcePickle 670 if not self.forcePickle: 671 672 xChanged, aChanged = self.isChangedFromDisc() 673 674 if not xChanged: 675 = None 676 677 if type( ) == arraytype and != 'f': 678 ='f') 679 680 if not aChanged: 681 self.atoms = None 682 683 if type( self.atoms ) == arraytype: 684 self.atoms = self.atoms.tolist() 685 686 self.__slimProfiles() 687 688 self.__resMap = self.__resIndex = None 689 self.caMask = self.bbMask = self.heavyMask = None 690 self.__validSource = 0
691 692
693 - def validSource(self):
694 """ 695 Check for a valid source on disk. 696 697 @return: str or PDBModel, None if this model has no valid source 698 @rtype: str or PDBModel or None 699 """ 700 if self.__validSource == 0: 701 702 if isinstance( self.source, LocalPath ) and self.source.exists(): 703 self.__validSource = self.source.local() 704 else: 705 if isinstance( self.source, PDBModel ): 706 self.__validSource = self.source 707 else: 708 self.__validSource = None 709 710 return self.__validSource
711 712
713 - def sourceFile( self ):
714 """ 715 Name of pickled source or PDB file. 716 717 @return: file name of pickled source or PDB file 718 @rtype: str 719 720 @raise PDBError: if there is no valid source 721 """ 722 s = self.validSource() 723 724 if s is None: 725 raise PDBError('no valid source') 726 727 if type( s ) == str: 728 return s 729 730 return self.source.sourceFile()
731 732
733 - def disconnect( self ):
734 """ 735 Disconnect this model from its source (if any). 736 737 @note: If this model has an (in-memory) PDBModel instance as source, 738 the entries of 'atoms' could still reference the same dictionaries. 739 """ 740 self.update() 741 742 try: 743 self.fileName = self.fileName or self.sourceFile() 744 except: 745 pass 746 747 self.setSource( None ) 748 749 self.xyzChanged, self.atomsChanged = 1, 1 750 751 for p in self.rProfiles: 752 self.setProfileInfo( p, changed=1 ) 753 for p in self.aProfiles: 754 self.setProfileInfo( p, changed=1 )
755 756
757 - def getPdbCode(self):
758 """ 759 Return pdb code of model. 760 761 @return: pdb code 762 @rtype: str 763 """ 764 return self.pdbCode
766 - def setPdbCode(self, code ):
767 """ 768 Set model pdb code. 769 770 @param code: new pdb code 771 @type code: str 772 """ 773 self.pdbCode = code
774 775
776 - def sequence(self, mask=None, xtable=molUtils.xxDic ):
777 """ 778 Amino acid sequence in one letter code. 779 780 @param mask: atom mask, to apply before (default None) 781 @type mask: list or array 782 @param xtable: dict {str:str}, additional residue:single_letter mapping 783 for non-standard residues (default molUtils.xxDic) 784 @type xtable: dict 785 786 @return: 1-letter-code AA sequence (based on first atom of each res). 787 @rtype: str 788 """ 789 mask = mask or N.ones( self.lenAtoms(), 'i' ) 790 791 firstAtm = N.zeros( self.lenAtoms() ) 792 N.put( firstAtm, self.resIndex(), 1 ) 793 794 ## mask = mask * firstAtm * self.maskProtein() 795 mask = mask * firstAtm 796 797 l = [ a['residue_name'] for a in N.compress( mask, self.getAtoms()) ] 798 799 return ''.join( molUtils.singleAA( l ) )
800 801
802 - def xplor2amber( self, change=1, aatm=1 ):
803 """ 804 Rename atoms so that tleap from Amber can read the PDB. 805 If HIS residues contain atoms named HE2 or/and HD2, the residue 806 name is changed to HIE or HID or HIP, respectively. Disulfide bonds 807 are not yet identified - CYS -> CYX renaming must be done manually 808 (see AmberParmBuilder for an example). 809 Internally amber uses H atom names ala HD21 while standard pdb files 810 use 1HD2. By default, ambpdb produces 'standard' pdb atom names but 811 it gives the less ambiguous amber names with switch -aatm. 812 813 @param change: change this model's atoms directly (default:1) 814 @type change: 1|0 815 @param aatm: use, for example, HG23 instead of 3HG2 (default:1) 816 @type aatm: 1|0 817 818 @return: [ {..} ], list of atom dictionaries 819 @rtype: list of atom dictionaries 820 """ 821 numbers = map( str, range(10) ) 822 823 residues = self.resList() 824 825 if not change: 826 residues = copy.deepcopy( residues ) 827 828 atoms = [] 829 830 for r in residues: 831 832 for a in r: 833 834 if aatm and len(a['name'])>2 and a['name'][0] in numbers: 835 a['name'] = a['name'][1:] + a['name'][0] 836 837 resname = r[0]['residue_name'] 838 if resname == 'HIS': 839 anames = [ a['name'] for a in r ] 840 841 if 'HE2' in anames: resname = 'HIE' 842 if 'HD1' in anames: resname = 'HID' 843 if 'HE2' in anames and 'HD1' in anames: 844 resname = 'HIP' 845 846 for a in r: 847 a['residue_name'] = resname 848 849 atoms.extend( r ) 850 851 return atoms
852 853
854 - def writePdb( self, fname, ter=1, amber=0, original=0, left=0, wrap=0, 855 headlines=None, taillines=None):
856 """ 857 Save model as PDB file. 858 859 @param fname: name of new file 860 @type fname: str 861 @param ter: Option of how to treat the retminal record:: 862 0, don't write any TER statements 863 1, restore original TER statements (doesn't work, 864 if preceeding atom has been deleted) [default] 865 2, put TER between all detected chains 866 3, as 2 but also detect and split discontinuous chains 867 @type ter: 0, 1, 2 or 3 868 @param amber: amber formatted atom names 869 (ter=3, left=1, wrap=0) (default 0) 870 @type amber: 1||0 871 @param original: revert atom names to the ones parsed in from PDB 872 (default 0) 873 @type original: 1||0 874 @param left: left-align atom names (as in amber pdbs)(default 0) 875 @type left: 1||0 876 @param wrap: write e.g. 'NH12' as '2NH1' (default 0) 877 @type wrap: 1||0 878 @param headlines: [( str, dict or str)], list of record / data tuples:: 879 e.g. [ ('SEQRES', ' 1 A 22 ALA GLY ALA'), ] 880 @type headlines: list of tuples 881 @param taillines: same as headlines but appended at the end of file 882 @type taillines: list of tuples 883 """ 884 try: 885 f = IO.PDBFile( fname, mode='w' ) 886 887 numbers = map( str, range(10) ) 888 889 atoms = self.getAtoms() 890 if amber: 891 atoms = self.xplor2amber( change=0 ) 892 ter = 3 893 wrap = 0 894 left = 1 895 896 if ter == 2 or ter == 3: 897 terIndex = N.array( self.chainIndex( breaks=(ter==3) )[1:] ) -1 898 if ter == 1: 899 terIndex = self.__terAtoms 900 901 if headlines: 902 for l in headlines: 903 f.writeLine( l[0], l[1] ) 904 905 if taillines: 906 for l in taillines: 907 f.writeLine( l[0], l[1] ) 908 909 for i in range( len( atoms ) ): 910 911 a = atoms[i] 912 913 ## fetch coordinates Vector 914 a['position'] =[ i ] 915 916 ## change atom name if requested... 917 real_name = a['name'] 918 aname = real_name 919 920 if original and not amber: 921 aname = a['name_original'] 922 923 ## PDBFile prints atom names 1 column too far left 924 if wrap and len(aname) == 4 and aname[0] in numbers: 925 aname = aname[1:] + aname[0] 926 if not left and len(aname) < 4: 927 aname = ' ' + aname.strip() 928 929 a['name'] = aname 930 931 ## write line 932 f.writeLine( a['type'], a ) 933 934 ## restore atom record 935 a['name'] = real_name 936 del( a['position'] ) 937 938 ## write TER line with details from previous atom 939 if (ter>0 and i in terIndex): 940 f.writeLine('TER', a ) 941 942 f.close() 943 944 except: 945 EHandler.error( "Error writing "+fname )
946 947
948 - def returnPdb( self, out=None, ter=1, headlines=None, taillines=None):
949 """ 950 Restore PDB file from (possibly transformed) coordinates and pdb line 951 dictionaries in self.atoms. This is an older version of writePdb that 952 returns a list of PDB lines instead of writing to a file. 953 954 @param out: stdout or None, if None a list is returned 955 @type out: stdout or None 956 @param ter: Option of how to treat the retminal record:: 957 0, don't write any TER statements 958 1, restore original TER statements (doesn't work, 959 if preceeding atom has been deleted) 960 2, put TER between all detected chains 961 @type ter: 0, 1 or 2 962 @param headlines: [( str, dict or str)], list of record / data tuples:: 963 e.g. [ ('SEQRES', ' 1 A 22 ALA GLY ALA'), ] 964 @type headlines: list of tuples 965 @param taillines: same as headlines but appended at the end of file 966 @type taillines: list of tuples 967 968 @return: [ str ], lines of a PDB file 969 @rtype: list of strings 970 """ 971 try: 972 pdb_lst=[] 973 i=0 974 975 if ter == 2: 976 terIndex = N.array( self.chainIndex()[1:] ) - 1 977 if ter == 1: 978 terIndex = self.__terAtoms 979 980 if headlines: 981 for l in headlines: 982 pdb_lst += [ '%6s%s\n'%(l[0],l[1]) ] 983 984 if taillines: 985 for l in taillines: 986 pdb_lst += [ '%6s%s\n'%(l[0],l[1]) ] 987 988 for a in self.getAtoms(): 989 990 ## fetch coordinates Vector 991 a['positionX'], a['positionY'], a['positionZ'] =[ i ] 992 993 ## switch original and short atom name 994 a['name'], a['name_original'] = a['name_original'], a['name'] 995 996 ## write line 997 atom_line = 'ATOM %(serial_number)5i %(name)-4s %(residue_name)3s %(chain_id)1s%(residue_number)4i%(insertion_code)1s %(positionX)8.3f%(positionY)8.3f%(positionZ)8.3f%(occupancy)6.2f%(temperature_factor)6.2f %(segment_id)-4s%(element)2s\n' 998 pdb_lst += [ atom_line%a ] 999 1000 ## switch back 1001 a['name'], a['name_original'] = a['name_original'], a['name'] 1002 del( a['positionX'], a['positionY'], a['positionZ'] ) 1003 1004 ## write TER line with details from previous atom 1005 if (ter and i in terIndex): 1006 ter_line = 'TER %(serial_number)5i %(residue_name)3s %(chain_id)1s%(residue_number)4i%(insertion_code)1s\n' 1007 pdb_lst += [ ter_line % self.getAtoms()[i] ] 1008 1009 i += 1 1010 ## write to stdout or return list 1011 if out == 'stdout': 1012 sys.stdout.writelines( pdb_lst ) 1013 else: 1014 return pdb_lst 1015 1016 except: 1017 EHandler.error( "PDBModel.returnPdb(): " )
1018 1019
1020 - def saveAs(self, path):
1021 """ 1022 Pickle this PDBModel to a file, set the 'source' field to 1023 this file name and mark atoms, xyz, and profiles as unchanged. 1024 Normal pickling of the object will only dump those data that can not 1025 be reconstructed from the source of this model (if any). 1026 saveAs creates a 'new source' without further dependencies. 1027 1028 @param path: target file name 1029 @type path: str OR LocalPath instance 1030 """ 1031 try: 1032 self.update() 1033 1034 ## pickle all atoms, coordinates, profiles, even if unchanged 1035 self.forcePickle = 1 1036 1037 self.setSource( path ) 1038 1039 self.xyzChanged, self.atomsChanged = 0, 0 1040 1041 for p in self.rProfiles: 1042 self.setProfileInfo( p, changed=0 ) 1043 for p in self.aProfiles: 1044 self.setProfileInfo( p, changed=0 ) 1045 1046 t.Dump( self, str(path) ) 1047 1048 except IOError, err: 1049 raise PDBError("Can't open %s for writing." % t.absfile(str(path)))
1050 1051
1052 - def maskF(self, atomFunction, numpy=1 ):
1053 """ 1054 Create list whith result of atomFunction( atom ) for each atom. 1055 1056 @param atomFunction: function( dict_from_PDBFile.readline() ), 1057 true || false (Condition) 1058 @type atomFunction: 1||0 1059 @param numpy: 1(default)||0, convert result to Numpy array of int 1060 @type numpy: int 1061 1062 @return: Numpy N.array( [0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,..], 'i') or list 1063 @rtype: array or list 1064 """ 1065 try: 1066 result = map( atomFunction, self.getAtoms() ) 1067 except: 1068 1069 ## fall-back solution: assign 0 to all entries that raise 1070 ## exception 1071 EHandler.warning("mask(): Error while mapping funtion "+ 1072 "to all atoms.") 1073 result = [] 1074 1075 for a in self.getAtoms(): 1076 try: 1077 result.append( atomFunction( a ) ) 1078 ## put 0 if something goes wrong 1079 except : 1080 EHandler.warning("mask(): Error while save-mapping ") 1081 result.append(0) 1082 1083 if numpy: 1084 return N.array( result ) 1085 return result
1086 1087
1088 - def maskCA( self, force=0 ):
1089 """ 1090 Short cut for mask of all CA atoms. 1091 1092 @param force: force calculation even if cached mask is available 1093 @type force: 0||1 1094 1095 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1 1096 @rtype: array 1097 """ 1098 if self.caMask == None or force: 1099 self.caMask = self.maskF( lambda a: a['name'] == 'CA' ) 1100 1101 return self.caMask
1102 1103
1104 - def maskBB( self, force=0 ):
1105 """ 1106 Short cut for mask of all backbone atoms. 1107 1108 @param force: force calculation even if cached mask is available 1109 @type force: 0||1 1110 1111 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1 1112 @rtype: array 1113 """ 1114 if self.bbMask == None or force: 1115 self.bbMask = self.maskF( 1116 lambda a: a['name'] in ['CA', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'H','OXT'] ) 1117 1118 return self.bbMask
1119 1120
1121 - def maskHeavy( self, force=0 ):
1122 """ 1123 Short cut for mask of all heavy atoms. ('element' <> H) 1124 1125 @param force: force calculation even if cached mask is available 1126 @type force: 0||1 1127 1128 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1 1129 @rtype: array 1130 """ 1131 if self.heavyMask == None or force: 1132 self.heavyMask = self.maskF( lambda a: a.get('element','') <> 'H' ) 1133 1134 return self.heavyMask
1136 - def maskH( self ):
1137 """ 1138 Short cut for mask of hydrogens. ('element' == H) 1139 1140 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1 1141 @rtype: array 1142 """ 1143 return N.logical_not( self.maskHeavy() )
1144 1145
1146 - def maskCB( self ):
1147 """ 1148 Short cut for mask of all CB I{and} CA of GLY. 1149 1150 @return: mask of all CB and CA of GLY 1151 @rtype: array 1152 """ 1153 f = lambda a: a['name'] == 'CB' or\ 1154 a['residue_name'] == 'GLY' and a['name'] == 'CA' 1155 1156 return self.maskF( f )
1157 1158
1159 - def maskH2O( self ):
1160 """ 1161 Short cut for mask of all atoms in residues named TIP3, HOH and WAT 1162 1163 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1 1164 @rtype: array 1165 """ 1166 return self.maskF( lambda a: a['residue_name'] in ['TIP3','HOH','WAT'])
1168 - def maskSolvent( self ):
1169 """ 1170 Short cut for mask of all atoms in residues named 1171 TIP3, HOH, WAT, Na+, Cl- 1172 1173 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1 1174 @rtype: array 1175 """ 1176 return self.maskF( lambda a: a['residue_name'] in ['TIP3','HOH','WAT', 1177 'Na+', 'Cl-'] )
1178 - def maskHetatm( self ):
1179 """ 1180 Short cut for mask of all HETATM 1181 1182 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1 1183 @rtype: array 1184 """ 1185 return self.maskF( lambda a: a['type'] == 'HETATM' )
1187 - def maskProtein( self, standard=0 ):
1188 """ 1189 Short cut for mask containing all atoms of amino acids. 1190 1191 @param standard: only standard residue names (not CYX, NME,..) 1192 (default 0) 1193 @type standard: 0|1 1194 1195 @return: N.array( 1 x N_atoms ) of 0||1, 1196 mask of all protein atoms (based on residue name) 1197 @rtype: array 1198 """ 1199 d = molUtils.aaDic 1200 if standard: 1201 d = molUtils.aaDicStandard 1202 1203 names = map( string.upper, d.keys() ) 1204 return self.maskF( lambda a, n=names: a['residue_name'].upper() in n )
1205 1206
1207 - def indices( self, what ):
1208 """ 1209 Get atom indices conforming condition 1210 1211 @param what: Selection:: 1212 - function applied to each atom entry, 1213 e.g. lambda a: a['residue_name']=='GLY' 1214 - list of str, allowed atom names 1215 - list of int, allowed atom indices OR mask with only 1 and 0 1216 - int, single allowed atom index 1217 @type what: function OR list of str or int OR int 1218 1219 @return: N_atoms x 1 (0||1 ) 1220 @rtype: Numeric array 1221 1222 @raise PDBError: if what is neither of above 1223 """ 1224 ## lambda funcion 1225 if type( what ) == types.FunctionType: 1226 return N.nonzero( self.maskF( what) ) 1227 1228 if type( what ) == list or type( what ) == type( N.zeros(1) ): 1229 1230 ## atom names 1231 if type( what[0] ) == str: 1232 return self.indices( 1233 lambda a, allowed=what: a['name'] in allowed ) 1234 1235 if type( what[0] ) == int: 1236 ## mask 1237 if len( what ) == self.lenAtoms() and max( what ) < 2: 1238 return N.nonzero( what ) 1239 ## list of indices 1240 else: 1241 return what 1242 1243 ## single index 1244 if type( what ) == int: 1245 return N.array( [what], 'i' ) 1246 1247 raise PDBError("PDBModel.indices(): Could not interpret condition ")
1248 1249
1250 - def mask( self, what, numpy=1 ):
1251 """ 1252 Get atom mask. 1253 1254 @param what: Selection:: 1255 - function applied to each atom entry, 1256 e.g. lambda a: a['residue_name']=='GLY' 1257 - list of str, allowed atom names 1258 - list of int, allowed atom indices OR mask with 1259 only 1 and 0 1260 - int, single allowed atom index 1261 @type what: function OR list of str or int OR int 1262 1263 @return: N_atoms x 1 (0||1 ) 1264 @rtype: Numeric array 1265 1266 @raise PDBError: if what is neither of above 1267 """ 1268 ## lambda funcion 1269 if type( what ) == types.FunctionType: 1270 return self.maskF( what, numpy ) 1271 1272 if type( what ) == list or type( what ) == type( N.zeros(1) ): 1273 1274 ## atom names 1275 if type( what[0] ) == str: 1276 return self.mask( 1277 lambda a, allowed=what: a['name'] in allowed, numpy) 1278 1279 if type( what[0] ) == int: 1280 ## mask 1281 if len( what ) == self.lenAtoms() and max( what ) < 2: 1282 return what 1283 ## list of indices 1284 else: 1285 r = N.zeros( self.lenAtoms(),'i' ) 1286 N.put( r, what, 1 ) 1287 return r 1288 1289 ## single index 1290 if type( what ) == int: 1291 return self.mask( [what] ) 1292 1293 raise PDBError, "PDBModel.mask(): Could not interpret condition "
1294 1295
1296 - def atom2resMask( self, atomMask ):
1297 """ 1298 Mask (0) residues for which all atoms are masked (0) in atomMask. 1299 1300 @param atomMask: list/array of int, 1 x N_atoms 1301 @type atomMask: list/array of int 1302 1303 @return: 1 x N_residues (0||1 ) 1304 @rtype: array of int 1305 """ 1306 result = N.zeros( self.lenResidues(), 'i' ) 1307 1308 resMap = self.resMap() 1309 1310 if len( resMap ) == 0: 1311 return result 1312 1313 for res in range( 0, resMap[-1]+1 ): 1314 1315 subMask = N.take( atomMask, N.nonzero( N.equal( resMap, res ) ) ) 1316 result[res] = N.sum( subMask ) > 0 1317 1318 return result
1319 1320
1321 - def atom2resIndices( self, indices ):
1322 """ 1323 Get list of indices of residue for which any atom is in indices. 1324 1325 @param indices: list of atom indices 1326 @type indices: list of int 1327 1328 @return: indices of residues 1329 @rtype: list of int 1330 """ 1331 result = [] 1332 rI = self.resIndex() 1333 1334 for i in range( len( rI ) ): 1335 1336 a = rI[i] 1337 1338 if i < len( rI )-1: 1339 e = rI[i+1] 1340 else: 1341 e = self.lenAtoms() 1342 1343 if N.sum( N.less( indices, e ) * N.greater( indices, a-1 ) ): 1344 result += [i] 1345 1346 return result
1347 1348
1349 - def res2atomMask( self, resMask ):
1350 """ 1351 convert residue mask to atom mask. 1352 1353 @param resMask: list/array of int, 1 x N_residues 1354 @type resMask: list/array of int 1355 1356 @return: 1 x N_atoms 1357 @rtype: array of int 1358 """ 1359 result = N.zeros( self.lenAtoms(), 'i') 1360 1361 resMap = self.resMap() 1362 1363 if len( resMap ) == 0: 1364 return result 1365 1366 if len( resMask ) != resMap[-1]+1: 1367 raise PDBError, "invalid residue mask" 1368 1369 N.put( result, self.res2atomIndices( N.nonzero( resMask ) ), 1 ) 1370 1371 return result
1372 1373
1374 - def res2atomIndices( self, indices ):
1375 """ 1376 Convert residue indices to atom indices. 1377 1378 @param indices: list/array of residue indices 1379 @type indices: list/array of int 1380 1381 @return: list of atom indices 1382 @rtype: list of int 1383 """ 1384 result = [] 1385 resMap = self.resMap() 1386 1387 if max( indices ) > resMap[-1] or min( indices ) < 0: 1388 raise PDBError, "invalid residue indices" 1389 1390 for res in indices: 1391 result += N.nonzero( N.equal( resMap, res ) ).tolist() 1392 1393 return result
1394 1395
1396 - def res2atomProfile( self, p ):
1397 """ 1398 Get an atom profile where each atom has the value its residue has 1399 in the residue profile. 1400 1401 @param p: name of existing residue profile OR ... 1402 [ any ], list of lenResidues() length 1403 @type p: str 1404 1405 @return: [ any ] OR array, atom profile 1406 @rtype: list or array 1407 """ 1408 if type( p ) is str: 1409 p = self.resProfile( p ) 1410 1411 isArray = isinstance( p, N.arraytype ) 1412 1413 resMap = self.resMap() 1414 1415 r = [ p[ resMap[a] ] for a in range( len(resMap) ) ] 1416 1417 if isArray: 1418 r = N.array( r ) 1419 1420 return r
1421 1422
1423 - def atom2chainIndices( self, indices, breaks=0 ):
1424 """ 1425 Convert atom indices to chain indices. Each chain is only 1426 returned once. 1427 1428 @param indices: list of atom indices 1429 @type indices: list of int 1430 @param breaks: look for chain breaks in backbone coordinates (def. 0) 1431 @type breaks: 0||1 1432 1433 @return: chains any atom which is in indices 1434 @rtype: list of int 1435 """ 1436 cm = self.chainMap( breaks=breaks ) 1437 r = [] 1438 1439 for i in indices: 1440 chain = cm[i] 1441 if not chain in r: 1442 r += [ chain ] 1443 1444 return r
1445 1446
1447 - def chain2atomIndices( self, indices, breaks=0 ):
1448 """ 1449 Convert chain indices into atom indices. 1450 1451 @param indices: list of chain indices 1452 @type indices: list of int 1453 @param breaks: look for chain breaks in backbone coordinates (def. 0) 1454 @type breaks: 0||1 1455 1456 @return: all atoms belonging to the given chains 1457 @rtype: list of int 1458 """ 1459 cm = self.chainMap( breaks=breaks ) 1460 1461 r = [] 1462 for i in indices: 1463 r += N.nonzero( N.equal( cm, i ) ).tolist() 1464 1465 return r
1466 1467
1468 - def profile2mask(self, profName, cutoff_min=None, cutoff_max=None ):
1469 """ 1470 profile2mask( str_profname, [cutoff_min, cutoff_max=None]) 1471 1472 @param cutoff_min: low value cutoff 1473 @type cutoff_min: float 1474 @param cutoff_max: high value cutoff 1475 @type cutoff_max: float 1476 1477 @return: mask len( profile(profName) ) x 1||0 1478 @rtype: array 1479 1480 @raise ProfileError: if no profile is found with name profName 1481 """ 1482 p = self.profile( profName ) 1483 1484 cutoff_min = cutoff_min or min( p ) - 1 1485 cutoff_max = cutoff_max or max( p ) + 1 1486 1487 return N.greater( p, cutoff_min ) * N.less( p, cutoff_max )
1488 1489
1490 - def profile2atomMask( self, profName, cutoff_min=None, cutoff_max=None ):
1491 """ 1492 profile2atomMask( str_profname, [cutoff_min, cutoff_max=None]) 1493 Same as L{profile2mask}, but converts residue mask to atom mask. 1494 1495 @param cutoff_min: low value cutoff 1496 @type cutoff_min: float 1497 @param cutoff_max: high value cutoff 1498 @type cutoff_max: float 1499 1500 @return: mask N_atoms x 1|0 1501 @rtype: array 1502 1503 @raise ProfileError: if no profile is found with name profName 1504 """ 1505 r = self.profile2mask( profName, cutoff_min, cutoff_max ) 1506 1507 if len( r ) == self.lenResidues(): 1508 r = self.res2atomMask( r ) 1509 1510 return r
1511 1512
1513 - def __takeAtomIndices( self, oldI, takeI ):
1514 """ 1515 Translate atom positions so that they point to the same atoms after 1516 a call to N.take() (if they are kept at all). 1517 1518 @param oldI: indices to translate 1519 @type oldI: list of int 1520 @param takeI: indices for N 1521 @type takeI: list of int 1522 1523 @return: indices of current atoms after take, resorted 1524 @rtype: list of int 1525 """ 1526 ind = N.take( range( self.lenAtoms() ), takeI ) 1527 1528 return [ i for i in range( len(ind) ) if ind[i] in oldI ]
1529 1530
1531 - def __takeResIndices( self, oldI, takeI ):
1532 1533 ind = N.take( range( self.lenResidues() ), takeI ) 1534 return [ i for i in range( len(ind) ) if ind[i] in oldI ]
1535 1536 1537 ## def __takeTerIndices( self, oldI, takeI, new_model ): 1538 ## """ 1539 ## Pretty much a hack. Better would be perhaps having a profile 1540 ## with chain index. 1541 ## """ 1542 ## i_map = [] 1543 1544 ## previous = 0 1545 ## for i in oldI: 1546 ## i_map += (i+1 - previous) * [i] 1547 ## previous = i 1548 1549 ## i_map = N.take( i_map, takeI ) 1550 1551 ## i_ter = [] 1552 ## for i in oldI: 1553 ## eq = N.nonzero( N.equal( i_map, i ) ) 1554 ## if N.sum( eq ) > 0: 1555 ## i_ter += [ eq[-1] ] 1556 1557 ## ## make sure we got the last atom of a residue 1558 ## atoms = new_model.getAtoms() 1559 1560 ## result = [] 1561 ## for i in i_ter: 1562 ## res = atoms[i]['residue_name'] 1563 ## rn = atoms[i]['residue_number'] 1564 1565 ## while rn == atoms[i+1]['residue_number'] and \ 1566 ## atoms[i+1]['residue_name'] == res: 1567 ## i += 1 1568 1569 ## r += [i] 1570 1571 ## return result 1572 1573
1574 - def concat( self, *models ):
1575 """ 1576 Concatenate atoms, coordinates and profiles. source and fileName 1577 are lost, so are profiles that are not available in all models. 1578 model0.concat( model1 [, model2, ..]) -> single PDBModel. 1579 1580 @param models: models to concatenate 1581 @type models: model OR list of models 1582 1583 @note: info records of given models are lost. 1584 """ 1585 1586 if len( models ) == 0: 1587 return self 1588 1589 m = models[0] 1590 1591 r = self.__class__() 1592 1593 r.setXyz( N.concatenate( ( self.getXyz(), m.getXyz() ) ) ) 1594 r.setAtoms( self.getAtoms() + m.getAtoms() ) 1595 r.setPdbCode( self.pdbCode ) 1596 1597 if None in self.rProfiles.values() or \ 1598 None in self.aProfiles.values(): 1599 self.update() 1600 1601 r.rProfiles = self.rProfiles.concat( m.rProfiles ) 1602 1603 r.aProfiles = self.aProfiles.concat( m.aProfiles ) 1604 1605 r.__terAtoms = self.__terAtoms +\ 1606 (N.array( m.__terAtoms )+self.lenAtoms()).tolist() 1607 1608 return r.concat( *models[1:] )
1609 1610
1611 - def take( self, i, deepcopy=0 ):
1612 """ 1613 All fields of the result model are shallow copies of this model's 1614 fields. I.e. removing or reordering of atoms does not affect the 1615 original model but changes to entries in the atoms dictionaries 1616 would also change the atom dictionaries of this model. 1617 1618 take( atomIndices, [deepcopy=0] ) -> PDBModel / sub-class. 1619 1620 @note: the position of TER records is translated to the new atoms. 1621 Chain boundaries can hence be lost (if the terminal atoms are not 1622 taken) or move into the middle of a residue (if atoms are resorted). 1623 1624 @param i: atomIndices, positions to take in the order to take 1625 @type i: list/array of int 1626 @param deepcopy: deepcopy atom dictionaries (default 0) 1627 @type deepcopy: 0||1 1628 1629 @return: PDBModel / sub-class 1630 @rtype: PDBModel 1631 """ 1632 ## needs current (old) atoms to create correct residue mask 1633 rIndices = self.atom2resIndices( i ) 1634 1635 r = self.__class__() 1636 1637 r.source = self.source 1638 1639 = N.take( self.getXyz(), i, 0 ) 1640 r.xyzChanged = self.xyzChanged or not ( == 1641 1642 if deepcopy: 1643 r.atoms = [ copy.copy( a ) for a in self.getAtoms() ] 1644 r.atoms = N.take( r.atoms, i ).tolist() 1645 else: 1646 r.atoms = N.take( self.getAtoms(), i ).tolist() 1647 r.atomsChanged = self.atomsChanged or not (r.atoms == self.atoms) 1648 1649 r.aProfiles = self.aProfiles.take( i ) 1650 r.rProfiles = self.rProfiles.take( rIndices ) 1651 1652 = copy.deepcopy( ) 1653 1654 if self.__terAtoms: 1655 l = len( self.__terAtoms) 1656 r.__terAtoms = self.__takeAtomIndices( self.__terAtoms, i ) 1657 1658 ## if len( r.__terAtoms ) != l: 1659 ## EHandler.warning('PDBModel lost position of %i TER records.'\ 1660 ## % (l - len( r.__terAtoms )) ) 1661 1662 ## r.__terAtoms = self.__takeTerIndices( self.__terAtoms, i, r ) 1663 1664 ## ## mark last atom of residues containing TER 1665 ## terRes = self.atom2resIndices( self.__terAtoms ) 1666 ## terRes = self.__takeResIndices( terRes, self.atom2resIndices(i) ) 1667 1668 ## rI = r.resIndex() + [ r.lenAtoms() ] 1669 ## r.__terAtoms = [ rI[res+1] - 1 for res in terRes ] 1670 1671 r.pdbCode = self.pdbCode 1672 r.fileName = self.fileName 1673 1674 return r
1675 1676
1677 - def keep( self, i ):
1678 """ 1679 Replace atoms,coordinates,profiles of this(!) model with sub-set. 1680 (in-place version of N.take() ) 1681 1682 @param i: lst/array of int 1683 @type i: 1684 """ 1685 if len(i)==self.lenAtoms() and max(i)<2: 1686 EHandler.warning('dont use PDBModel.keep() with mask.', trace=0) 1687 1688 r = self.take( i ) 1689 1690 self.atoms = r.atoms 1691 = 1692 self.atomsChanged = r.atomsChanged 1693 self.xyzChanged = r.xyzChanged 1694 1695 self.aProfiles = r.aProfiles 1696 self.rProfiles = r.rProfiles 1697 1698 = 1699 1700 self.caMask = self.bbMask = self.heavyMask = None 1701 self.__resMap = self.__resIndex = None 1702 1703 self.__terAtoms = r.__terAtoms
1704 1705
1706 - def clone( self, deepcopy=0 ):
1707 """ 1708 Clone PDBModel. 1709 1710 @return: PDBModel / subclass, copy of this model, 1711 see comments to Numeric.take() 1712 @rtype: PDBModel 1713 """ 1714 return self.take( range( self.lenAtoms() ), deepcopy )
1715 1716
1717 - def compress( self, mask, deepcopy=0 ):
1718 """ 1719 Compress PDBmodel using mask. 1720 compress( mask, [deepcopy=0] ) -> PDBModel 1721 1722 @param mask: N.array( 1 x N_atoms of 1 or 0 ) 1723 1 .. keep this atom 1724 @type mask: array 1725 @param deepcopy: deepcopy atom dictionaries of this model and result 1726 (default 0 ) 1727 @type deepcopy: 1||0 1728 1729 @return: compressed PDBModel using mask 1730 @rtype: PDBModel 1731 """ 1732 return self.take( N.nonzero( mask ), deepcopy )
1733 1734
1735 - def remove( self, what ):
1736 """ 1737 Convenience access to the 3 different remove methods. 1738 The mask used to remove atoms is returned. This mask can be used 1739 to apply the same change to another array of same dimension as 1740 the old(!) xyz and atoms. 1741 1742 @param what: Decription of what to remove:: 1743 - function( atom_dict ) -> 1 || 0 (1..remove) OR 1744 - list of int [4, 5, 6, 200, 201..], indices of atoms to remove 1745 - list of int [11111100001101011100..N_atoms], mask (1..remove) 1746 - int, remove atom with this index 1747 @type what: list of int or int 1748 1749 @return: N.array(1 x N_atoms_old) of 0||1, mask used to compress the 1750 atoms and xyz arrays. 1751 @rtype: array 1752 1753 @raise PDBError: if what is neither of above 1754 """ 1755 mask = N.logical_not( self.mask( what ) ) 1756 self.keep( N.nonzero(mask) ) 1757 return mask
1758 1759
1760 - def takeChains( self, chainLst, deepcopy=0, breaks=0, maxDist=None ):
1761 """ 1762 Get copy of this model with only the given chains. 1763 1764 @param chainLst: list of chains 1765 @type chainLst: list of int 1766 @param deepcopy: deepcopy atom dictionaries (default 0) 1767 @type deepcopy: 0||1 1768 @param breaks: split chains at chain breaks (default 0) 1769 @type breaks: 0|1 1770 @param maxDist: (if breaks=1) chain break threshold in Angstrom 1771 @type maxDist: float 1772 1773 @return: PDBModel (by default, all fields are shallow copies, 1774 see Numeric.take() ) 1775 @rtype: PDBModel 1776 """ 1777 chainMap = self.chainMap( breaks=breaks, maxDist=None ) 1778 1779 atomMask = map( lambda i, allowed=chainLst: i in allowed, chainMap) 1780 1781 return self.compress( atomMask, deepcopy )
1782 1783
1784 - def addChainFromSegid(self, verbose=1):
1785 """ 1786 Takes the last letter of the segment ID and adds it as chain ID. 1787 """ 1788 for a in self.getAtoms(): 1789 1790 try: 1791 a['chain_id'] = a['segment_id'][-1] 1792 except: 1793 if verbose: 1794 EHandler.warning("addChainId(): Problem with atom "+str(a)) 1795 1796 self.atomsChanged = 1
1797 1798
1799 - def addChainId( self, first_id=None, keep_old=0, breaks=0 ):
1800 """ 1801 Assign consecutive chain identifiers A - Z to all atoms. 1802 1803 @param first_id: str (A - Z), first letter instead of 'A' 1804 @type first_id: str 1805 @param keep_old: don't override existing chain IDs (default 0) 1806 @type keep_old: 1|0 1807 @param breaks: consider chain break as start of new chain (default 0) 1808 @type breaks: 1|0 1809 """ 1810 atoms = self.getAtoms() 1811 1812 old_chains = [] 1813 if keep_old: 1814 old_chains = [ atoms[i]['chain_id'] for i in self.resIndex(breaks)] 1815 old_chains = mathUtils.nonredundant( old_chains ) 1816 if '' in old_chains: old_chains.remove('') 1817 1818 letters = string.uppercase 1819 if first_id: 1820 letters = letters[ letters.index( first_id ): ] 1821 letters = mathUtils.difference( letters, old_chains ) 1822 1823 chainMap = self.chainMap( breaks=breaks ) 1824 1825 for i in range( len( atoms ) ): 1826 1827 if not (keep_old and atoms[i]['chain_id'] in old_chains): 1828 atoms[i]['chain_id'] = letters[ chainMap[i] ] 1829 1830 self.atomsChanged = 1
1831 1832
1833 - def renumberResidues( self, mask=None, start=1, addChainId=1 ):
1834 """ 1835 Make all residue numbers consecutive and remove any insertion code 1836 letters. Note that a backward jump in residue numbering is interpreted 1837 as end of chain by chainMap() and chainIndex(). Chain borders might 1838 hence get lost if there is no change in chain label or segid. 1839 1840 @param mask: [ 0||1 x N_atoms ] atom mask to apply BEFORE 1841 @type mask: list of int 1842 @param start: starting number (default 1) 1843 @type start: int 1844 @param addChainId: add chain IDs if they are missing 1845 @type addChainId: 1|0 1846 """ 1847 if addChainId: 1848 self.addChainId( keep_old=1, breaks=0 ) 1849 1850 i = start 1851 for res in self.resList( mask ): 1852 1853 for a in res: 1854 a['residue_number'] = i 1855 a['insertion_code'] = '' 1856 1857 i += 1
1858 1859
1860 - def lenAtoms( self ):
1861 """ 1862 Number of atoms in model. 1863 1864 @return: number of atoms 1865 @rtype: int 1866 """ 1867 if not is None: 1868 return len( ) 1869 1870 if not self.atoms is None: 1871 return len( self.atoms ) 1872 1873 if self.source is None: 1874 return 0 1875 1876 return len( self.getXyz() )
1877 1878
1879 - def lenResidues( self ):
1880 """ 1881 Number of resudies in model. 1882 1883 @return: total number of residues 1884 @rtype: int 1885 """ 1886 try: 1887 return self.resMap()[-1] + 1 1888 except IndexError: ## empty residue map 1889 return 0
1890 1891
1892 - def lenChains( self, breaks=0, maxDist=None ):
1893 """ 1894 Number of chains in model. 1895 1896 @param breaks: detect chain breaks from backbone atom distances (def 0) 1897 @type breaks: 0||1 1898 @param maxDist: maximal distance between consequtive residues 1899 [ None ] .. defaults to twice the average distance 1900 @type maxDist: float 1901 1902 @return: total number of chains 1903 @rtype: int 1904 """ 1905 try: 1906 return self.chainMap( breaks=breaks, maxDist=maxDist )[-1] + 1 1907 except IndexError: ## empty residue map 1908 return 0
1909 1910
1911 - def resList( self, mask=None ):
1912 """ 1913 Return list of lists of atom dictionaries per residue, 1914 which allows to iterate over residues and atoms of residues. 1915 1916 @param mask: [ 0||1 x N_atoms ] atom mask to apply BEFORE 1917 @type mask: 1918 1919 @return: A list of dictionaries:: 1920 [ [ {'name':'N', 'residue_name':'LEU', ..}, 1921 {'name':'CA','residue_name':'LEU', ..} ], 1922 [ {'name':'CA', 'residue_name':'GLY', ..}, .. ] ] 1923 @rtype: list of dictionaries 1924 """ 1925 ri = N.concatenate( (self.resIndex( mask=mask ), [self.lenAtoms()] ) ) 1926 resLen = len( ri ) - 1 1927 atoms = self.getAtoms() 1928 if mask: 1929 atoms = N.compress( mask, atoms ).tolist() 1930 1931 return [ atoms[ ri[res] : ri[res+1] ] for res in range( resLen ) ]
1932 1933
1934 - def resModels( self ):
1935 """ 1936 Creates a PDBModel per residue in PDBModel. 1937 1938 @return: list of PDBModels, one for each residue 1939 @rtype: list of PDBModels 1940 """ 1941 ri = self.resIndex() 1942 resLen = len( ri ) 1943 atoms = self.getAtoms() 1944 xyz = self.getXyz() 1945 1946 result = [] 1947 for res in range( resLen ): 1948 m = PDBModel() 1949 a = ri[res] 1950 if res == resLen - 1: 1951 e = self.lenAtoms() 1952 else: 1953 e = ri[res + 1] 1954 m.setAtoms( atoms[a:e] ) 1955 m.setXyz( xyz[a:e] ) 1956 result += [m] 1957 return result
1958 1959
1960 - def resMapOriginal(self, mask=None):
1961 """ 1962 Generate list to map from any atom to its ORIGINAL(!) PDB 1963 residue number. 1964 1965 @param mask: [00111101011100111...] consider atom: yes or no 1966 len(mask) == N_atoms 1967 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 1968 1969 @return: list all [000111111333344444..] with residue number 1970 for each atom 1971 @rtype: list of int 1972 """ 1973 result = [] 1974 for a in self.getAtoms(): 1975 result.append( a['residue_number'] ) 1976 1977 ## by default take all atoms 1978 mask = mask or N.ones( len(self.getAtoms() ) , 'i' ) 1979 1980 ## apply mask to this list 1981 return N.compress( mask, N.array(result, 'i') )
1982 1983
1984 - def __calcResMap( self, mask=None ):
1985 """ 1986 Create a map of residue residue for atoms in model. 1987 1988 @param mask: atom mask 1989 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 1990 1991 @return: array [00011111122223333..], residue index for each 1992 unmasked atom 1993 @rtype: list of int 1994 """ 1995 ## By default consider all atoms 1996 mask = mask or N.ones( self.lenAtoms() ) 1997 1998 result = [] 1999 2000 lastResNumber = -100 2001 lastResName = '' 2002 index = -1 2003 lastAlt = 'x' 2004 2005 ## create residue numbering for selected atoms 2006 for a in N.compress( mask, self.getAtoms() ): 2007 2008 if lastResNumber <> a['residue_number'] or \ 2009 lastResName <> a['residue_name'] or \ 2010 lastAlt <> a.get('insertion_code', None ): 2011 2012 ## start of new residue 2013 lastResNumber = a['residue_number'] 2014 lastResName = a['residue_name'] 2015 lastAlt = a.get( 'insertion_code', None ) 2016 index += 1 2017 2018 result.append( index ) 2019 2020 return N.array(result, 'i')
2021 2022
2023 - def resMap( self, mask=None, force=0, cache=1 ):
2024 """ 2025 Get list to map from any atom to a continuous residue numbering 2026 (starting with 0). A new residue is assumed to start whenever the 2027 'residue_number' or the 'residue_name' record changes between 2 2028 atoms. The mask is applied BEFORE looking for residue borders, 2029 i.e. it can change the residue numbering. 2030 2031 See L{resList()} for an example of how to use the residue map. 2032 2033 @param mask: [0000011111001111...] include atom: yes or no 2034 len(atom_mask) == number of atoms in self.atoms/ 2035 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2036 @param force: recalculate map even if cached one is available (def 0) 2037 @type force: 0||1 2038 @param cache: cache new map (def 1) 2039 @type cache: 0||1 2040 2041 @return: array [00011111122223333..], residue index for each 2042 unmasked atom 2043 @rtype: list of int 2044 """ 2045 if self.__resMap and not force and mask == None: 2046 return self.__resMap 2047 2048 result = self.__calcResMap( mask ) 2049 2050 if cache and mask == None: 2051 self.__resMap = result 2052 2053 return result
2054 2055
2056 - def resIndex( self, mask=None, force=0, cache=1 ):
2057 """ 2058 Get the position of the each residue's first atom. The result is by 2059 default cached. That's not really necessary - The calculation is fast. 2060 2061 @param force: re-calculate even if cached result is available (def 0) 2062 @type force: 1||0 2063 @param cache: cache the result (def 1) 2064 @type cache: 1||0 2065 @param mask: atom mask to apply before (i.e. result indices refer to 2066 compressed model) 2067 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2068 2069 @return: index of the first atom of each residue 2070 @rtype: list of int 2071 """ 2072 2073 if self.__resIndex and not force and mask == None: 2074 return self.__resIndex 2075 2076 cache = cache and mask == None 2077 2078 m = self.resMap() 2079 if mask: 2080 m = N.compress( mask, m ) 2081 2082 r = [ i for i in range(len(m)) if i==0 or m[i] != m[i-1] ] 2083 2084 if cache: 2085 self__resIndex = r 2086 2087 return r
2088 2089
2090 - def resEndIndex( self, mask=None ):
2091 """ 2092 Get the position of the each residue's last atom. 2093 2094 @param mask: atom mask to apply before (i.e. result indices refer to 2095 compressed model) 2096 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2097 2098 @return: index of the last atom of each residue 2099 @rtype: list of int 2100 """ 2101 2102 m = self.resMap() 2103 if mask: 2104 m = N.compress( mask, m ) 2105 2106 l = len(m) 2107 return [ i-1 for i in range(1, l) if i==l or m[i] != m[i-1] ]
2108 2109
2110 - def chainMap( self, breaks=0, maxDist=None ):
2111 """ 2112 Get chain index of each atom. A new chain is started between 2 atoms if 2113 the chain_id or segment_id changes, the residue numbering jumps back or 2114 a TER record was found. 2115 2116 @param breaks: split chains at chain breaks (def 0) 2117 @type breaks: 1||0 2118 @param maxDist: (if breaks=1) chain break threshold in Angstrom 2119 @type maxDist: float 2120 2121 @return: array 1 x N_atoms of int, e.g. [000000011111111111122222...] 2122 @rtype: list of int 2123 """ 2124 result = [] 2125 2126 i = 0 2127 lastChain = -1 2128 lastResidue = -100 2129 lastChainID = None 2130 lastSegID = None 2131 2132 ter_atoms = self.__terAtoms 2133 if breaks: 2134 ter_atoms = N.concatenate( (ter_atoms, 2135 self.chainBreaks( maxDist=maxDist )) ) 2136 2137 for a in self.getAtoms() : 2138 2139 if a.get('chain_id',None) <> lastChainID or \ 2140 a.get('segment_id', None) <> lastSegID or \ 2141 a['residue_number'] < lastResidue or \ 2142 i-1 in ter_atoms: 2143 2144 lastChain += 1 2145 2146 result.append( lastChain ) 2147 2148 lastResidue = a['residue_number'] 2149 lastChainID = a.get('chain_id',None) 2150 lastSegID = a.get( 'segment_id', None ) 2151 i += 1 2152 2153 return N.array( result, 'i' )
2154 2155
2156 - def chainIndex( self, breaks=0, maxDist=None ):
2157 """ 2158 Get indices of first atom of each chain. 2159 2160 @param breaks: split chains at chain breaks (def 0) 2161 @type breaks: 1||0 2162 @param maxDist: (if breaks=1) chain break threshold in Angstrom 2163 @type maxDist: float 2164 2165 @return: array (1 x N_chains) of int 2166 @rtype: list of int 2167 """ 2168 ci = self.chainMap( breaks=breaks, maxDist=maxDist ) 2169 2170 result = [] 2171 2172 try: 2173 for chain in range( 0, ci[-1]+1 ): 2174 result.append( N.nonzero( N.equal( ci, chain ))[0] ) 2175 2176 except IndexError: ## empty chainMap -> empty model? 2177 pass 2178 2179 return N.array( result, 'i' )
2180 2181
2182 - def chainBreaks( self, breaks_only=1, maxDist=None ):
2183 """ 2184 Identify discontinuities in the molecule's backbone. 2185 2186 @param breaks_only: don't report ends of regular chains (def 1) 2187 @type breaks_only: 1|0 2188 @param maxDist: maximal distance between consequtive residues 2189 [ None ] .. defaults to twice the average distance 2190 @type maxDist: float 2191 2192 @return: atom indices of last atom before a probable chain break 2193 @rtype: list of int 2194 """ 2195 i_bb = N.nonzero( self.maskBB() ) 2196 bb = self.take( i_bb ) 2197 bb_ri= bb.resIndex() 2198 xyz = [[ bb_ri[i] : bb_ri[i+1] ] for i in range(len(bb_ri)-1) ] 2199 xyz +=[[ bb_ri[-1]: len(bb) ] ] 2200 2201 ## get distance between last and first backbone atom of each residue 2202 dist = lambda a,b: N.sqrt( N.sum( N.power( a - b ,2 ) ) ) 2203 2204 d = [ dist( xyz[i][-1], xyz[i+1][0] ) for i in range(len(bb_ri)-1) ] 2205 2206 ## get distances above mean 2207 cutoff = maxDist or MLab.mean(d)*2 2208 breaks = N.nonzero( N.greater( d, cutoff ) ) 2209 2210 if not breaks: 2211 return N.array( [] ) 2212 2213 ri = self.resIndex() 2214 ri_to_e = {} 2215 for i in range( len(ri)-1 ): 2216 ri_to_e[ ri[i] ] = ri[ i+1 ]-1 2217 2218 ## map back to the original atom indices 2219 r = [ ri_to_e[ i_bb[ bb_ri[i] ] ] for i in breaks ] 2220 2221 if breaks_only: 2222 ri = self.chainIndex( breaks=0 ) 2223 r = [ x for x in r if not x+1 in ri ] 2224 2225 return N.array( r )
2226 2227
2228 - def removeRes( self, resname ):
2229 """ 2230 Remove all atoms with a certain residue name. 2231 2232 @param resname: name of residue to be removed 2233 @type resname: str OR list of str 2234 """ 2235 resname = t.toList( resname ) 2236 self.remove( lambda a, res=resname: a['residue_name'] in res )
2237 2238
2239 - def rms( self, other, mask=None, mask_fit=None, fit=1, n_it=1 ):
2240 """ 2241 Rmsd between two PDBModels. 2242 2243 @param other: other model to compare this one with 2244 @type other: PDBModel 2245 @param mask: atom mask for rmsd calculation 2246 @type mask: list of int 2247 @param mask_fit: atom mask for superposition (default: same as mask) 2248 @type mask_fit: list of int 2249 @param fit: superimpose first (default 1) 2250 @type fit: 1||0 2251 @param n_it: number of fit iterations:: 2252 1 - classic single fit (default) 2253 0 - until convergence, kicking out outliers on the way 2254 @type n_it: int 2255 2256 @return: rms in Angstrom 2257 @rtype: float 2258 """ 2259 x, y = self.getXyz(), other.getXyz() 2260 2261 mask_fit = mask_fit or mask 2262 2263 if fit: 2264 2265 fx, fy = x, y 2266 2267 if mask_fit: 2268 fx = N.compress( mask_fit, x, 0 ) 2269 fy = N.compress( mask_fit, y, 0 ) 2270 ## find transformation for best match 2271 r, t = rmsFit.match( fx, fy, n_iterations=n_it )[0] 2272 2273 ## transform coordinates 2274 y =, N.transpose(r)) + t 2275 2276 if mask: 2277 x = N.compress( mask, x, 0 ) 2278 y = N.compress( mask, y, 0 ) 2279 2280 ## calculate row distances 2281 d = N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(x - y, 2), 1)) 2282 2283 return N.sqrt( N.average(d**2) )
2284 2285
2286 - def transformation( self, refModel, mask=None, n_it=1, 2287 z=2, eps_rmsd=0.5, eps_stdv=0.05, 2288 profname='rms_outlier'):
2289 """ 2290 Get the transformation matrix which least-square fits this model 2291 onto the other model. 2292 2293 @param refModel: reference PDBModel 2294 @type refModel: PDBModel 2295 @param mask: atom mask for superposition 2296 @type mask: list of int 2297 @param n_it: number of fit iterations:: 2298 1 - classic single fit (default) 2299 0 - until convergence 2300 @type n_it: int 2301 @param z: number of standard deviations for outlier definition 2302 (default 2) 2303 @type z: float 2304 @param eps_rmsd: tolerance in rmsd (default 0.5) 2305 @type eps_rmsd: float 2306 @param eps_stdv: tolerance in standard deviations (default 0.05) 2307 @type eps_stdv: float 2308 @param profname: name of new atom profile getting outlier flag 2309 @type profname: str 2310 @return: array(3 x 3), array(3 x 1) - rotation and translation matrices 2311 @rtype: array, array 2312 """ 2313 x, y = refModel.getXyz(), self.getXyz() 2314 2315 if mask: 2316 x = N.compress( mask, x, 0 ) 2317 y = N.compress( mask, y, 0 ) 2318 outlier_mask = N.zeros( N.sum(mask) ) 2319 2320 else: 2321 outlier_mask = N.zeros( len(self) ) 2322 2323 r, iter_trace = rmsFit.match( x, y, n_iterations=n_it, z=z, 2324 eps_rmsd=eps_rmsd, eps_stdv=eps_stdv) 2325 2326 N.put( outlier_mask, iter_trace[-1][-1], 1 ) 2327 2328 if n_it != 1: 2329 self.setAtomProfile( profname, outlier_mask, mask=mask, 2330 default=1, 2331 comment='outliers in last iterative fitting', 2332 n_iterations=len( iter_trace ) ) 2333 return r
2334 2335
2336 - def transform( self, *rt ):
2337 """ 2338 Transform coordinates of PDBModel. 2339 2340 @param rt: rotational and translation array: 2341 array( 4 x 4 ) OR array(3 x 3), array(3 x 1) 2342 @type rt: array OR array, array 2343 2344 @return: PDBModel with transformed coordinates 2345 @rtype: PDBModel 2346 """ 2347 ## got result tuple from transformation() without unpacking 2348 if len( rt ) == 1 and type( rt[0] ) is tuple: 2349 rt = rt[0] 2350 2351 if len(rt) == 2: 2352 r, t = rt[0], rt[1] 2353 else: 2354 rt = rt[0] 2355 r, t = (rt[0:3,0:3], rt[0:3, 3]) 2356 2357 result = self.clone() 2358 result.setXyz( self.getXyz(), N.transpose(r) ) + t ) 2359 2360 return result
2361 2362
2363 - def fit( self, refModel, mask=None, n_it=1, 2364 z=2, eps_rmsd=0.5, eps_stdv=0.05, 2365 profname='rms_outlier'):
2366 """ 2367 Least-square fit this model onto refMode 2368 2369 @param refModel: reference PDBModel 2370 @type refModel: PDBModel 2371 @param mask: atom mask for superposition 2372 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2373 @param n_it: number of fit iterations:: 2374 1 - classic single fit (default) 2375 0 - until convergence 2376 @type n_it: int 2377 @param z: number of standard deviations for outlier definition 2378 (default 2) 2379 @type z: float 2380 @param eps_rmsd: tolerance in rmsd (default 0.5) 2381 @type eps_rmsd: float 2382 @param eps_stdv: tolerance in standard deviations (default 0.05) 2383 @type eps_stdv: float 2384 @param profname: name of new atom profile containing outlier flag 2385 @type profname: str 2386 2387 @return: PDBModel with transformed coordinates 2388 @rtype: PDBModel 2389 """ 2390 return self.transform( 2391 self.transformation( refModel, mask, n_it, eps_rmsd=eps_rmsd, 2392 eps_stdv=eps_stdv, profname=profname ) )
2393 2394
2395 - def magicFit( self, refModel, mask=None ):
2396 """ 2397 Superimpose this model onto a ref. model with similar atom content. 2398 magicFit( refModel [, mask ] ) -> PDBModel (or subclass ) 2399 2400 @param refModel: reference PDBModel 2401 @type refModel: PDBModel 2402 @param mask: atom mask to use for the fit 2403 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2404 2405 @return: fitted PDBModel or sub-class 2406 @rtype: PDBModel 2407 """ 2408 if mask != None: 2409 m_this = self.compress( mask ) 2410 else: 2411 m_this = self 2412 2413 i_this, i_ref = m_this.compareAtoms( refModel ) 2414 2415 m_this = m_this.take( i_this ) 2416 m_ref = refModel.take(i_ref ) 2417 2418 ## find transformation for best match 2419 r,t = rmsFit.findTransformation( m_ref.getXyz(), m_this.getXyz() ) 2420 2421 result = self.transform( r, t ) 2422 2423 return result
2424 2425
2426 - def centered( self, mask=None ):
2427 """ 2428 Get model with centered coordinates. 2429 2430 @param mask: atom mask applied before calculating the center 2431 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2432 2433 @return: model with centered coordinates 2434 @rtype: PDBModel 2435 """ 2436 r = self.clone() 2437 mask = mask or N.ones( len(self) ) 2438 2439 avg = N.average( N.compress( mask, r.getXyz(), 0 ) ) 2440 2441 r.setXyz( r.getXyz() - avg ) 2442 2443 return r
2444 2445
2446 - def center( self, mask=None ):
2447 """ 2448 Geometric centar of model. 2449 2450 @param mask: atom mask applied before calculating the center 2451 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2452 2453 @return: xyz coordinates of center 2454 @rtype: (float, float, float) 2455 """ 2456 if mask == None: 2457 return N.average( self.getXyz() ) 2458 2459 return N.average( N.compress( mask, self.getXyz(), axis=0 ) )
2460 2461
2462 - def centerOfMass( self ):
2463 """ 2464 Center of mass of PDBModel. 2465 2466 @return: array('f') 2467 @rtype: (float, float, float) 2468 """ 2469 M = self.masses() 2470 return mathUtils.wMean( self.getXyz(), M )
2471 2472
2473 - def masses( self ):
2474 """ 2475 Collect the molecular weight of all atoms in PDBModel. 2476 2477 @return: 1-D array with mass of every atom in 1/12 of C12 mass. 2478 @rtype: array of floats 2479 2480 @raise PDBError: if the model contains elements of unknown mass 2481 """ 2482 try: 2483 M = [ molUtils.atomMasses[a['element']]for a in self.getAtoms() ] 2484 2485 except KeyError, why: 2486 raise PDBError('Cannot find mass for '+str(why)) 2487 2488 return N.array( M )
2489 2490
2491 - def mass( self ):
2492 """ 2493 Molecular weight of PDBModel. 2494 2495 @return: total mass in 1/12 of C12 mass 2496 @rtype: float 2497 2498 @raise PDBError: if the model contains elements of unknown mass 2499 """ 2500 return N.sum( self.masses() )
2501 2502
2503 - def residusMaximus( self, atomValues, mask=None ):
2504 """ 2505 Take list of value per atom, return list where all atoms of any 2506 residue are set to the highest value of any atom in that residue. 2507 (after applying mask) 2508 2509 @param atomValues: values per atom 2510 @type atomValues: list 2511 @param mask: atom mask 2512 @type mask: list of int (1||0) 2513 2514 @return: array with values set to the maximal intra-residue value 2515 @rtype: array of float 2516 """ 2517 if mask == None: 2518 mask = N.ones( len(atomValues) ) 2519 2520 ## eliminate all values that do not belong to the selected atoms 2521 masked = atomValues * mask 2522 2523 result = [] 2524 2525 ## set all atoms of each residue to uniform value 2526 for res in range( 0, self.lenResidues() ): 2527 2528 ## get atom entries for this residue 2529 resAtoms = N.compress( N.equal( self.resMap(), res ), masked ) 2530 2531 ## get maximum value 2532 masterValue = max( resAtoms ) 2533 2534 result += resAtoms * 0.0 + masterValue 2535 2536 return N.array( result, 'f' )
2537 2538
2539 - def argsort( self, cmpfunc=None ):
2540 """ 2541 Prepare sorting atoms within residues according to comparison function. 2542 2543 @param cmpfunc: function( self.atoms[i], self.atoms[j] ) -> -1, 0, +1 2544 @type cmpfunc: function 2545 2546 @return: suggested position of each atom in re-sorted model 2547 ( e.g. [2,1,4,6,5,0,..] ) 2548 @rtype: list of int 2549 """ 2550 ## by default sort alphabetically by atom name 2551 cmpfunc = cmpfunc or ( lambda a1, a2: cmp(a1['name'],a2['name']) ) 2552 2553 result = [] 2554 pos = 0 2555 2556 ## get sort list for each residue 2557 for resAtoms in self.resList(): 2558 2559 resIndex = range(0, len( resAtoms ) ) 2560 2561 ## convert atom-based function into index-based function 2562 f_cmp = lambda i,j,atoms=resAtoms : cmpfunc( atoms[i], atoms[j] ) 2563 2564 ## get sortMap for this residue (numbering starts with 0) 2565 resIndex.sort( f_cmp ) 2566 2567 ## add first residue atom's position in self.atoms to each entry 2568 resIndex = map( lambda i, delta=pos: i + delta, resIndex ) 2569 2570 ## concatenate to result list 2571 result += resIndex 2572 2573 pos += len( resAtoms ) 2574 2575 return result
2576 2577
2578 - def sort( self, sortArg=None, deepcopy=0 ):
2579 """ 2580 Apply a given sort list to the atoms of this model. 2581 2582 @param sortArg: comparison function 2583 @type sortArg: function 2584 @param deepcopy: deepcopy atom dictionaries (default 0) 2585 @type deepcopy: 0||1 2586 2587 @return: copy of this model with re-sorted atoms (see Numeric.take() ) 2588 @rtype: PDBModel 2589 """ 2590 sortArg = sortArg or self.argsort() 2591 2592 terA = self.__terAtoms 2593 2594 r = self.take( sortArg, deepcopy ) 2595 2596 r.__terAtoms = terA 2597 2598 return r
2599 2600
2601 - def unsort( self, sortList ):
2602 """ 2603 Undo a previous sorting on the model itself (no copy). 2604 2605 @param sortList: sort list used for previous sorting. 2606 @type sortList: list of int 2607 2608 @return: the (back)sort list used ( to undo the undo...) 2609 @rtype: list of int 2610 2611 @raise PDBError: if sorting changed atom number 2612 """ 2613 ## get new sort list that reverts the old one 2614 backSortList = range(0, self.lenAtoms() ) 2615 backSortList.sort( lambda i,j, l=sortList: cmp(l[i],l[j]) ) 2616 2617 ## get re-sorted PDBModel copy 2618 self.keep( backSortList ) 2619 2620 return backSortList
2621 2622
2623 - def atomNames(self, start=None, stop=None):
2624 """ 2625 Return a list of atom names from start to stop RESIDUE index 2626 2627 @param start: index of first residue 2628 @type start: int 2629 @param stop: index of last residue 2630 @type stop: int 2631 2632 @return: ['C','CA','CB' .... ] 2633 @rtype: list of str 2634 """ 2635 ## By default return list of all atoms 2636 start = start or 0 2637 2638 if stop is None: ## don't use "stop = stop or ..", stop might be 0! 2639 stop = self.lenResidues()-1 2640 2641 ## first get atom indexes of residues 2642 i = self.resIndex()[start] 2643 2644 if stop == self.lenResidues()-1: 2645 j = self.lenAtoms() 2646 else: 2647 j = self.resIndex()[stop+1] 2648 2649 return [ a['name'] for a in self.getAtoms()[i:j] ]
2650 2651
2652 - def __testDict_and( self, dic, condition ):
2653 """ 2654 Test if B{all} key-value pairs of condition are matched in dic 2655 2656 @param condition: {..}, key-value pairs to be matched 2657 @type condition: dictionary 2658 @param dic: {..}, dictionary to be tested 2659 @type dic: dictionary 2660 2661 @return: 1|0, 1 if all key-value pairs of condition are matched in dic 2662 @rtype: 1|0 2663 """ 2664 for k,v in condition.items(): 2665 if dic.get( k, None ) not in v: 2666 return 0 2667 return 1
2668 2669
2670 - def __testDict_or( self, dic, condition ):
2671 """ 2672 Test if B{any} key-value pairs of condition are matched in dic 2673 2674 @param condition: {..}, key-value pairs to be matched 2675 @type condition: dictionary 2676 @param dic: {..}, dictionary to be tested 2677 @type dic: dictionary 2678 2679 @return: 1|0, 1 if any key-value pairs of condition are matched in dic 2680 @rtype: 1|0 2681 """ 2682 for k,v in condition.items(): 2683 if dic.get( k, None ) in v: 2684 return 1 2685 return 0
2686 2687
2688 - def filterIndex( self, mode=0, **kw ):
2689 """ 2690 Get atom positions that match a combination of key=values. 2691 E.g. filter( chain_id='A', name=['CA','CB'] ) -> index 2692 2693 @param mode: 0 combine with AND (default), 1 combine with OR 2694 @type mode: 0||1 2695 @param kw: combination of atom dictionary keys and 2696 values/list of values that will be used to filter 2697 @type kw: filter options, see example 2698 2699 @return: sort list 2700 @rtype: list of int 2701 """ 2702 ## cache to minimize function lookup 2703 atoms = self.getAtoms() 2704 if mode == 0: 2705 f_test = self.__testDict_and 2706 else: 2707 f_test = self.__testDict_or 2708 2709 for k in kw: 2710 kw[ k ] = t.toList( kw[ k ] ) 2711 2712 r = [ i for i in range(self.lenAtoms()) if f_test( atoms[i], kw ) ] 2713 return r
2714 2715
2716 - def filter( self, mode=0, **kw):
2717 """ 2718 Extract atoms that match a combination of key=values. 2719 E.g. filter( chain_id='A', name=['CA','CB'] ) -> PDBModel 2720 2721 @param mode: 0 combine with AND (default), 1 combine with OR 2722 @type mode: 0||1 2723 @param kw: combination of atom dictionary keys and 2724 values/list of values that will be used to filter 2725 @type kw: filter options, see example 2726 2727 @return: filterd PDBModel 2728 @rtype: PDBModel 2729 """ 2730 return self.take( self.filterIndex( mode=mode, **kw ) )
2731 2732
2733 - def equals(self, ref, start=None, stop=None):
2734 """ 2735 Compares the residue and atom sequence in the given range. 2736 Coordinates are not checked, profiles are not checked. 2737 2738 @param start: index of first residue 2739 @type start: int 2740 @param stop: index of last residue 2741 @type stop: int 2742 2743 @return: [ 1||0, 1||0 ], 2744 first position sequence identity 0|1, 2745 second positio atom identity 0|1 2746 @rtype: list if int 2747 """ 2748 ## By default compare all residues 2749 start = start or 0 2750 if stop == None: ## don't use stop = stop or .. stop might be 0! 2751 stop = self.lenResidues() 2752 2753 ## set to 1 when identical 2754 seqID, atmID = 0, 0 2755 2756 ## compare sequences 2757 if self.sequence()[start:stop] == ref.sequence()[start:stop]: 2758 seqID = 1 2759 2760 ## then compare atoms 2761 if self.atomNames(start,stop-1) == ref.atomNames(start,stop-1): 2762 atmID = 1 2763 2764 return [seqID, atmID]
2765 2766
2767 - def equalAtoms( self, ref ):
2768 """ 2769 Apply to SORTED models without HETATOMS. Coordinates are not checked. 2770 2771 @note: in some rare cases m1.equalAtoms( m2 ) gives a different result 2772 than m2.equalAtoms( m1 ). This is due to the used 2773 SequenceMatcher class. 2774 @todo: option to make sure atoms are also in same order 2775 2776 @param ref: reference PDBModel 2777 @type ref: PDBModel 2778 2779 @return: (mask, mask_ref), two atom masks for all equal (1) atoms 2780 in models 2781 @rtype: (array, array) 2782 """ 2783 ## compare sequences 2784 seqMask, seqMask_ref = match2seq.compareModels(self, ref) 2785 2786 ## get residue mask on atom level 2787 mask = self.res2atomMask(seqMask) 2788 mask_ref = ref.res2atomMask(seqMask_ref) 2789 2790 ## get list of matching RESIDUES 2791 equal = N.nonzero(seqMask) 2792 equal_ref = N.nonzero(seqMask_ref) 2793 2794 ## check that all atoms are equal in matching residues 2795 for i in range(0, len(equal)): 2796 2797 ## atom name lists for current residue 2798 aa = self.atomNames(equal[i],equal[i]) 2799 aa_ref = ref.atomNames(equal_ref[i],equal_ref[i]) 2800 2801 ## starting atom of current residue 2802 ind = self.resIndex()[ equal[i] ] 2803 ind_ref = ref.resIndex()[ equal_ref[i] ] 2804 2805 ## check that the atoms are the same 2806 for j in range( len(aa) ): 2807 2808 try: 2809 mask[ind] = aa[j] == aa_ref[j] 2810 ind += 1 2811 2812 except IndexError: 2813 mask[ind] = 0 2814 ind += 1 2815 2816 for j in range( len(aa_ref) ): 2817 2818 try: 2819 mask_ref[ind_ref] = aa_ref[j] == aa[j] 2820 ind_ref += 1 2821 except IndexError: 2822 mask_ref[ind_ref] = 0 2823 ind_ref += 1 2824 2825 2826 return mask, mask_ref
2827 2828
2829 - def compareAtoms( self, ref ):
2830 """ 2831 Get list of atom indices for this and reference model that converts 2832 both into 2 models with identical residue and atom content. 2833 2834 E.g. 2835 >>> m2 = m1.sort() ## m2 has now different atom order 2836 >>> i2, i1 = m2.compareAtoms( m1 ) 2837 >>> m1 = m1.take( i1 ); m2 = m2.take( i2 ) 2838 >>> m1.atomNames() == m2.atomNames() ## m2 has again same atom order 2839 2840 @return: indices, indices_ref 2841 @rtype: ([int], [int]) 2842 """ 2843 ## compare sequences 2844 seqMask, seqMask_ref = match2seq.compareModels(self, ref) 2845 2846 ## get list of matching RESIDUES 2847 equal = N.nonzero(seqMask) 2848 equal_ref = N.nonzero(seqMask_ref) 2849 2850 result, result_ref = [], [] 2851 2852 ## check that all atoms are equal in matching residues 2853 for i in range(0, len(equal)): 2854 2855 ## atom name lists for current residue 2856 aa = self.atomNames( equal[i],equal[i] ) 2857 aa_ref = ref.atomNames( equal_ref[i],equal_ref[i] ) 2858 2859 ## starting atom of current residue 2860 ind = self.resIndex()[ equal[i] ] 2861 ind_ref = ref.resIndex()[ equal_ref[i] ] 2862 2863 for j in range( len(aa_ref) ): 2864 2865 try: 2866 ##shortcut for mostly equal models 2867 if aa_ref[j] == aa[j]: ## throws IndexError 2868 result += [ind + j] 2869 result_ref += [ind_ref + j] 2870 continue 2871 2872 except IndexError: 2873 pass 2874 2875 try: 2876 pos = aa.index( aa_ref[j] ) ## throws ValueError 2877 2878 result += [ind + pos] 2879 result_ref += [ind_ref + j] 2880 2881 except ValueError: 2882 pass 2883 2884 return result, result_ref
2885 2886
2887 - def __chainFraction( self, chain, ref ):
2888 """ 2889 Look how well a given chain matches a continuous stretch of residues 2890 in ref. 2891 2892 @param chain: chain index 2893 @type chain: int 2894 @param ref: reference PDBModel 2895 @type ref: PDBModel 2896 2897 @return: average relative length of matching chain fragments 2898 @rtype: float 2899 """ 2900 m = self.takeChains([chain]) 2901 l_0 = len( m ) 2902 m_cast = m.take( m.compareAtoms( ref )[0] ) 2903 2904 f = 1. * len( m_cast ) / m_cast.lenChains( breaks=1, maxDist=5.) 2905 f = f / len( m ) 2906 2907 return f
2908 2909
2910 - def compareChains( self, ref, breaks=0, fractLimit=0.2 ):
2911 """ 2912 Get list of corresponding chain indices for this and reference model. 2913 Use takeChains() to create two models with identical chain content and 2914 order from the result of this function. 2915 2916 @param ref: reference PDBModel 2917 @type ref: PDBModel 2918 @param breaks: look for chain breaks in backbone coordinates 2919 @type breaks: 1||0 2920 @param fractLimit: 2921 @type fractLimit: float 2922 2923 @return: chainIndices, chainIndices_ref 2924 @rtype: ([int], [int]) 2925 """ 2926 i, i_ref = self.compareAtoms( ref ) 2927 2928 c0 = self.atom2chainIndices( i, breaks=breaks ) 2929 c_r = ref.atom2chainIndices( i_ref, breaks=breaks ) 2930 2931 ## dirty hack to throw out single matching residues 2932 c0 = [ c for c in c0 \ 2933 if self.__chainFraction( c, ref ) > fractLimit ] 2934 c_r= [ c for c in c_r \ 2935 if ref.__chainFraction( c, self ) > fractLimit ] 2936 2937 return c0, c_r
2938 2939 2940 2941 ############# 2942 ## TESTING 2943 ############# 2944
2945 -class Test:
2946 """ 2947 Test class 2948 """ 2949
2950 - def run( self, local=0 ):
2951 """ 2952 run function test 2953 2954 @param local: transfer local variables to global and perform 2955 other tasks only when run locally 2956 @type local: 1|0 2957 2958 @return: coordinates of center of mass 2959 @rtype: array 2960 """ 2961 ## loading output file from X-plor 2962 if local: print 'Loading pdb file ..' 2963 m = PDBModel( t.testRoot()+'/rec/1A2P.pdb')#"/com_wet/1BGS.pdb") 2964 2965 ## remove solvent 2966 if local: print "removing waters.." 2967 m.removeRes(['TIP3', 'HOH']) 2968 2969 ## X-plor doesn't write chainIds, so during the simulation 2970 ## we store them in the last letter of the segId. Here we 2971 ## restore the chainId. 2972 m.addChainFromSegid() 2973 2974 ## start positions of all chains 2975 chainIdx = m.chainIndex().tolist() 2976 2977 ## print some chain info 2978 if local: 2979 print 'The molecule consists of %i chains'% m.lenChains() 2980 print '\tChainId \tFirst atom' 2981 for i in chainIdx: 2982 print '\t%s \t\t%i'%(m.atoms[i]['chain_id'], int(i)) 2983 2984 ## iterate over all chains 2985 for c in range( 0, len( chainIdx ) ): 2986 2987 if local: 2988 print "chain ", c, " starts with ", 2989 print m.atoms[ chainIdx[c] ]['residue_name'], 2990 2991 print " and has sequence: " 2992 2993 ## mask out atoms of all other chains 2994 chainMask = N.equal( m.chainMap( breaks=1 ), c ) 2995 if local: print m.sequence( chainMask ) 2996 2997 ## test sorting 2998 if local: print "sorting atoms alphabetically..." 2999 sort = m.argsort() 3000 m2 = m.sort( sort ) 3001 3002 if local: 3003 globals().update( locals() ) 3004 3005 return N.sum( m2.centerOfMass() )
3006 3007
3008 - def expected_result( self ):
3009 """ 3010 Precalculated result to check for consistent performance. 3011 3012 @return: coordinates of center of mass 3013 @rtype: array 3014 """ 3015 return N.sum( N.array([ 29.13901386, 46.70021977, 38.34113311]) )
3016 3017 3018 3019 if __name__ == '__main__': 3020 3021 test = Test() 3022 3023 assert abs( local=1 ) - test.expected_result() ) < 1e-8 3024 3025 ## last line count:: 3229 3026