Biskit :: PCRModel :: PCRModel :: Class PCRModel
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Class PCRModel

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PDBModel with attached Xplor topology (PSF). Creates more problems than it solves...

Instance Methods [hide private]
  __init__(self, fPsf=None, source=None, pdbCode=None, **params)
PDBModel() creates an empty Model to which coordinates (field xyz) and PDB infos (field atoms) have still to be added.
str getPsfFile(self)
Returns file name
PDBModel take(self, i, deepcopy=0)
All fields of the result model are shallow copies of this model's fields.
  concat(self, *models)
Concatenate atoms, coordinates and profiles.

Inherited from PDBModel.PDBModel: __getstate__, __len__, __setstate__, addChainFromSegid, addChainId, argsort, atom2chainIndices, atom2resIndices, atom2resMask, atomNames, atomProfile, center, centerOfMass, centered, chain2atomIndices, chainBreaks, chainIndex, chainMap, clone, compareAtoms, compareChains, compress, disconnect, equalAtoms, equals, filter, filterIndex, fit, getAtoms, getPdbCode, getXyz, indices, isChanged, isChangedFromDisc, keep, lenAtoms, lenChains, lenResidues, magicFit, mask, maskBB, maskCA, maskCB, maskF, maskH, maskH2O, maskHeavy, maskHetatm, maskProtein, maskSolvent, mass, masses, profile, profile2atomMask, profile2mask, profileChangedFromDisc, profileInfo, remove, removeProfile, removeRes, renumberResidues, res2atomIndices, res2atomMask, res2atomProfile, resEndIndex, resIndex, resList, resMap, resMapOriginal, resModels, resProfile, residusMaximus, returnPdb, rms, saveAs, sequence, setAtomProfile, setAtoms, setPdbCode, setProfileInfo, setResProfile, setSource, setXyz, slim, sort, sourceFile, takeChains, transform, transformation, unsort, update, validSource, writePdb, xplor2amber

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, fPsf=None, source=None, pdbCode=None, **params)

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  • PDBModel() creates an empty Model to which coordinates (field xyz) and PDB infos (field atoms) have still to be added.
  • PDBModel( file_name ) creates a complete model with coordinates and PDB infos taken from file_name (pdb, pdb.gz, pickled PDBModel)
  • PDBModel( PDBModel ) creates a copy of the given model
  • PDBModel( PDBModel, noxyz=1 ) creates a copy without coordinates
  • fPsf (str) - file name of psf
  • source (str | PDBModel) - file name of pdb OR PDBModel instance
  • pdbCode (str) - if None, first 4 letters of filename will be used
Overrides: PDBModel.PDBModel.__init__


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Overrides: PDBModel.PDBModel.version


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Returns: str
file name

take(self, i, deepcopy=0)

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All fields of the result model are shallow copies of this model's fields. I.e. removing or reordering of atoms does not affect the original model but changes to entries in the atoms dictionaries would also change the atom dictionaries of this model.

take( atomIndices, [deepcopy=0] ) -> PDBModel / sub-class.
Returns: PDBModel
PDBModel / sub-class
Overrides: PDBModel.PDBModel.take
(inherited documentation)

concat(self, *models)

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Concatenate atoms, coordinates and profiles. source and fileName are lost, so are profiles that are not available in all models. model0.concat( model1 [, model2, ..]) -> single PDBModel.
Overrides: PDBModel.PDBModel.concat
(inherited documentation)